Part 12

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The rest of the week flew by. I convinced Stella to come to the cabin but Cory was going to see his family in Texas, so he couldn't come. Stella and I went and spent a fortune on supplies including a three man tent because we decided there wasn't enough room in a two man one.

It was Saturday morning as I was packing the final things into my bag. I felt bad for leaving this weekend because Lucy wasn't in a good place and we hadn't heard from Chris all week but she kept telling me to go. I probably should have ignored her and stayed anyway but I was too excited. As selfish as that may sound, it would be worse if I spent the weekend breathing down her neck.

Packing took a bloody millennium. I didn't know what to expect so I prepared for the unexpected and just took my entire wardrobe. 

Stella pulled up in her yellow beetle along with Connor in his dads semi-trailer with the barbeque shoved in, looking super safe. Not. We were all meeting here and driving in convoy to the cabin. I heaved my bag down the stairs and into Stella's boot where our secret stash of pre-made water balloons were hiding in a plastic bin. Some of them had obviously popped because there was lingering water between them but there was still plenty.

I went back inside and said goodbye to Damien, Kyle and Lucy. By the time I was done everyone was here and we were ready to hit the road. I glanced at my phone, there was an email from my parents' solicitor, I probably should've at least read it; but I didn't. I was going away for the weekend with my friends, I don't need thoughts of my parents' solicitor in my mind the entire time.

It was about a forty-five minute drive to the cabin so Stella had made us a playlist of those ridiculous songs you listen to when you go on a holiday. Connor lead the way followed by Joel's car carrying the three musketeers plus Blake's girlfriend, who I was dying to meet, then Jay and Jared, then us and there was another car behind us. Joel had been right Connor brought Kathrine.

After the long journey we finally arrived at a forest. My throat hurt from all the singing we'd done obviously Stella had gone all out especially on 'Kids in America', her favorite song- just because it's from Clueless. We continued driving down a dirt track for about two kilometers so we were deep in the forest when we pulled up at a cute little wooden cabin. Everybody parked up and the first thing the boys did was start the barbeque for lunch. Connor was Chef with Jay his assistant. Not all of the football team was here Scott for one wasn't and a couple of others. There were also some people I didn't know too. Everybody set up their folding camping chairs in a circle around what will be a fire pit. I felt like an idiot because I'm pretty sure I was the only one that didn't bring a folding camping chair, even Stella did. Everybody was sat in a circle eating their hot dogs when Lucas said, "My name is Lucas and I am an alcoholic" pulling a beer out of his cooler. Everyone laughed. But I still didn't have anywhere to sit. I would have got Blake to help me but he was being all lovey with his girlfriend.

I went over to Jared and stuck my bottom lip out, "What's with the sour face Dimples?"

"I want your chair," I said, "pwetty please"

He smirked, "You can sit on my lap."

"I think I'll stand." I grumbled and I walked over to Stella's car and opened the boot. I pulled out the two fattest water balloons and shut the boot to keep the secret. However Kathrine came up behind me and asked what I was doing. I looked extremely guilty so I told her my plan and gave her one of the water balloons.

"On the count of three. One, two, three." Then all hell broke loose. I threw mine as planned at Jared and hit him at the back of the head. However Kathrine broke the plan and threw hers at Connor but she missed and hit the arm of his chair, so the balloon popped and splashed all over Connor, Blake and Blake's girlfriend (who I am yet to learn the name of). "Run!" I shouted.

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