Part 19

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I spent the morning online shopping and spending just slightly more than I had originally hoped. I also tried to make everyone French toast but it turned out disgusting, it was like overcooked, plastic scrambled eggs on toast, so that quickly found its way into the trash. Lucy told me that she heard the front door open in the night and cross questioned me about it, I tell her what happened, but she still wasn't happy that I sneaked out of the house in the middle of the night.

At least today I wasn't running late. I was sat in the car waiting for the boys. Joel and Kyle finally make their way into the car and join me. I finally know how they feel when they hahve to wait for me. We drive to school and get there nearly twenty minutes before the first bell. I lull around tidying my locker, before meeting Stella.

She is in a good mood too. "I HAVE THE BEST NEWS EVER!" She squeals. She has a huge smile on her face. "Notice anything different?"

"New hair cut?" She purses her lips; I'll take that as a no. "You're blonder!" Nope. "New shoes, right?"

"Wrong. No Holly. I have the new Bobbi brown lipstick on!" She indicates to her pink lips.

"That was my next guess." I give her a toothy grin.

She just rolls her eyes. "Have you heard about the mystery Juniors assembly?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"No, what's it about?"

She throws her hands in the air. "IT'S A MYSTERY!" She yells drawing attention. "God, sometimes I swear you are an idiot." I will try not to take that to heart. "It's ok though, we need idiots to make the smart people look smarter."

"I'm not an idiot." I interject.

"That my friend is something an idiot would say." I roll my eyes and give up arguing with her. "We have it right now, during homeroom."

Stella steers us toward the theatre where everyone in our grade is shuffling in. We spot Blake who looks mad. "Hey, did you see that?" We both look at him clueless. "Lucas just left me for Courtney." He has a little rant to blow off some steam, then returns to himself. Sounds to me like Lucas needs to get his priorities straight.

"You have us now, and we're a vast improvement on them both." I grin.

"Don't let them hear, you might puncture their balloon sized egos." I laugh as we shuffle down the hallway. "Should we wait for anyone else, or just go in?" Blake asks I was wondering the same thing.

I shrug my shoulders and try to look through the flow of people for familiar faces. "Let's just go in." Stella suggests. We take our seats on the edge of the theatre. "What do you think this is about?" The principle and three other teachers are at the front waiting for us all to come in.

"Exchange students, counselling or trashing the car park" Stella says confidently. Blake agrees and I just shrug my shoulders. I've never been to one of these before.

Once everyone stops shuffling, the teachers begin a presentation. "We plan to take a trip to New York for six days next semester." Everyone is cheering and hooting. I've never been to New York. My hands begin to get restless in excitement.

Once everyone calms down again they continue, "It is six hundred dollars each, and there will be financial aid for those who need it, as we would like the entire grade to participate." He continues on listing the mode of travel, the places we will visit and the accommodation. I am so excited. It sounds amazing.

When the presentation is over, everyone is talking about it. It is the gossip for the rest of the week. That night we go home and pitch it to Lucy. She also seems really excited until we tell her the price. There are three of us now all wanting to, that is eighteen hundred dollars. I understand why she is wary. She doesn't want to have to say no, but she can't really just agree to it.

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