Part 20

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I had a quiet weekend catching up on assignments, tidying my bedroom and re-watching my old movies with Damien. Damien was the best to watch movies with because he got into them like I do.

I met up with Tracy on Sunday and we did some shopping. I added some new pieces to my wardrobe which was slowly growing, and we went out for lunch at a gourmet burger restaurant. I avoided bringing up Jared. I thought it might be a touchy subject but mainly I just didn't want to hear about it. We got onto the topic of her wedding plans and she has finally decided she wants to go ahead with the wedding and she called him last night. "We have set a date. You will soon be receiving an invite in the post. Trust me the invites are very classy." She gushes. "And Holly, I would like you to be one of my bridesmaids, please?" She grins.

My burger was half in my mouth and I nearly choked. "YES! Oh my God! I would love to!" I squealed drawing a small amount of attention to us. She then also reveals that she is heading back to Miami on Wednesday and she would like me to come to the airport with her. I can't believe she's leaving already. I am going to miss her. We talked and talked about the wedding, bridesmaid dresses and her new-found confidence to stand up to her mother in law. I'm so excited. I have only ever been to one wedding and it was low key. From the sounds of it Tracy's is going to be the complete opposite.

Once we finish Tracy drives us back to her house. She wants to show me all of her samples. When we arrive at her house I am greeted by a large homely feeling house with a large porch surrounding the house. I follow Tracy inside and she positions me on a stool in the kitchen, while she runs off to collect her samples and catalogues she has lying about. I am sat at a large granite island, in a nice spacious kitchen.

The front door opens, and a small blonde woman makes her way into the kitchen. "Hi. I'm Cassandra." She holds out a spare hand to me as she drops her shopping bags on the counter.

"I'm Holly. I'm with Tracy, she has gone to find me wedding catalogues and samples." I smile.

She lets out a small laugh, "Oh dear. Good luck. It's all she is thinking about now, the wedding. I dread to think how much it is going to cost." She frowns slightly as she unpacks her groceries. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asks.

"Not tonight I'm afraid, maybe another time," I say trying my best not to sound rude.

She gives me a smile, but before she can continue Tracy dumps a huge pile of wedding 'stuff' onto the counter. From fabric samples to flower arrangement catalogues. My jaw falls slack at the number of decisions she is going to have to make. We start filing through them, flicking through the pages, turning over the corner when we found things we like, making small comments here and there. Tracy's mum even joined in. We spent about an hour on them before someone else came through the front door. I didn't look up until I heard a bag being thrown down outside the door. My jaw dropped at the person that walked through the door frame. I am really confused.

What is Jared doing here?

Jared and Tracy must be a lot more serious than I initially thought. He is also shocked to see me. "How was football training Honey?" Tracy's mum asked him. He is too busy staring at me to answer.

"Jared stop staring at my friend. God, you are so embarrassing! This is Holly," she indicates to me, "and this is my brother Jared." She tells me. Brother? What?

Oh, my God. Jared is Tracy's brother.

"Yeah, we know each other." He states. "How do you know each other?"

Tracy gives him a drop-dead look. "This is my friend I have been telling you about. The one that took me to the party, that you so rudely made me leave." That's what happened. It's all beginning to make sense. I'm not going to lie, I am relieved they are related and not hooking up.

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