Part 14

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I woke up to the sweet sound of the birds tweeting and a load of crashing. I rolled over to cover my ears but I could still hear it. Stella evidently could hear it too and was not happy about it. I wormed my way out of the tent with my sleeping bag still wrapped around me to see what all the noise was about.

Obviously it had to be Connor and that damn barbeque. I wasn't the only one coming to see what the racket was about. "Man, Shut up it eight in the morning," Lucas croaked.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and went to sit with Connor, "I'm starving." He grumbled.

After shuffling out of the sleeping bag I went inside the cabin in search of something edible for breakfast, I don't think anyone wanted any more burnt undercooked meat. Under the sink I found a family size box of regular Cheerio's. Nobody brought any milk so we would have to eat them dry.

I wandered out of the Cabin and sat down next to Connor to eat the Cheerio's. We sat in silence eating handfuls of the cereal from the box. Slowly people made their way out to join us starting with Joel and finishing with Stella, who only showed her face at ten to eleven. By then I had showered, as well as Kathrine.

We just lounged around trying to catch some sun, which was really difficult with all of the tree branches casting shadows over the camp. We packed up our stuff, which for me was no fun, Stella was very grouchy in the morning and since she slept on the floor she was crankier than usual.

Then we took a little vote and decided we would go through the MacDonald's drive-thru and get lunch to go sit in a park, that Connor assured us was good. We hung around for a little longer, while Blake, Joel, Lucas, Jared and Jay climbed trees. I would've joined them but my back hurt from the uneven floor I'd slept on and they looked like they were enjoying themselves; I didn't want to go and ruin it.

When we hit the road Stella was in a better mood after listening to some of the Beatles, after just a few minutes she was belching the, "Hey Jude," and obviously I joined in to, I mean who can resist 'Hey Jude'? I'm sure everyone in the other cars could hear us but it was one of those I really couldn't care less situations. "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah Hey Jude."

When the song came to a finish Stella turned down the music, "Oh my God, are you from Liverpool, like the Beatles?"

"Umm no." We pulled into MacDonald's and picked up our food.

"Well at least tell me you've been to the museum." She was looking at me like if I answered this wrong it would be the end of our friendship.

I smiled, "Yes I went a few years ago with my Dad. He's a big Beatles fan." I'm pretty sure that was the right answer.

She looked at me again, before she turned into a car park, "Where is your Dad?" Wrong answer. That was the wrong answer I should've lied and said I'd never been.

Stella was my best friend, along with Blake, they're the best friends I've ever had even though I haven't known them that long. I feel like I can tell them anything, but now that Stella has asked me about my family I just want to push her away and bury the subject. The car is stationary and everyone was getting out but Stella and I are sat in silence. Her stare is boring into the side of my head awaiting an answer. I know that if anyone else had asked they would've just left the subject, but Stella wasn't normal and that's why I liked her.

I swiftly flung open the door and left her. I stormed off, I knew she meant well, but I'm not ready for the pity. Right now is one of those moments where I want to cry, sob my heart out. This is the worst feeling in the world, feeling alone. I can't even tell my best friend what happened to my parents. I faintly hear Stella calling my name behind me but I carry on walking. Alone. My eyes fill up with tears, but I bite them back to stop them from falling. This tops the list of life's difficulties.

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