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tara carpenter stands at her kitchen island, making ramen and texting her girlfriend, jayeson roberts

'you should come over' her girlfriend texts, which makes tara smile before texting back

'oh really? and do what?' tara smirked to herself, knowing exactly what jayeson was hinting to..she just loves teasing the girl

'fun...stuff :))' tara grins while stirring the noodles, then begins to type

'mom said i cant leave..YOU should come over HERE' she pauses for a second before adding

'n do the aforementioned stuff' tara could just imagine the smile on the roberts girl face

tara watched the three tiny circles move, then the response

'convince me?' tara laughed to herself, jayeson is so annoying but she loved it

her thoughts are interrupted by her house phone ringing, she just ignores it before texting back

'no parents. free dinner. many binge watch options' tara knew the other girl and knew that probably wouldn't be enough to convince her

'gotta do betterrr' tara rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face

tara takes her phone, puts it under her shirt and takes a picture before sending it

'SOLD' tara chuckles at the message as the phone stops ringing

"thank god" she mumbled under her breath and just enjoyed the silence..but that doesnt last long before the phone starts ringing again

'fucking landline wont stop ringing. robocalls' tara sent watching as the text bubble popped up quickly

'i hate how they clone numbers that are close to yours to make you pick up' tara hummed in agreement before typing

'this one is a blocked number' tara replied, tara watched as the text bubble popped up then went back out

'robocalls dont use blocked numbers anymore. prob for ur mom' tara sighed, that means she should answer it, right?

tara sighs and finally picks up the phone

"hello?" tara answered

"hello? is susan there?" the anonymous voice asked

"sorry, shes not available, may i take the message?" tara asked, kinda just wanting to go back to texting her girlfriend

"is this her daughter?" the unknown voice asked

"may i take a message?" tara asked again, becoming annoyed and impatient

"sorry, yeah, im a friend from her group...shit" the voice said which made tara make a confused face

"from her shit?" tara asked, 5 seconds away from just hanging up

"um..just tell her im from group, im charlie, she has my number" the voice simply said

"she goes to a group?" tara asked, wondering why her mom hasn't told her about this 'group'

there was a silence on both sides

"look, i shouldn't have...just tell her charlie called" the voice said and tara smiled a little to herself

"i will do exactly that charlie...once you tell me what kind of group we're talking about" tara said while continuing to make her noodles

"i dont think i can-"

"AA? NA? if so, it's about time" tara said with a small chuckle

"look, im really sorry i bothered you" the voice said as tara kept talking

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