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jayeson roberts called tara..no answer

she called 3 times, she was worried so she called amber

"hello? amber?" jayeson waited for a response 

"hey jaye! whats up?" amber answered and jayeson sighed in relief

"have you heard from tara? i was supposed to come over tonight and i tried to call her to tell her that my uncle said that i had to stay in tonight and she hasn't answered my texts or calls and i dont wanna go over there just in case shes sleep or if her moms back" jaye said as amber hummed

"she probably fell asleep, dont worry jaye, im sure shes perfectly fine" amber said as jayeson smiled 

"yeah, thank you amber, goodnight, love you" jayeson didnt know but amber blushed hard 

she blushed every time jaye said she loved her

"i love you more, jaye, goodnight" amber said as jayeson hung up the phone and got ready for bed 




wes, jayeson, amber and mindy sat by the fountain outside of their school as wes got finished talking to tara's sister, sam

amber is sitting next to jayeson, her head on jaye's shoulder

"shes coming?" amber asked the hicks boy nodded and amber rolled her eyes, taking her head off of the roberts girl shoulder 

"yeah" wes sighed out as jayeson played with her fingers, stressing out about everything 

"watch everything get worse" amber said, her eyes on jayeson 

"hey, shes okay, i promise you, everything will be okay" amber said gently to the girl beside her as jaye nodded 

"what were we supposed to do? you know her mom isn't gonna tell her" wes said with his hands on his best friends shoulder

wes and jayeson instantly hit off when they met, they were both quiet and bookish 

they both had crushes too...jayeson on tara and wes on...jayeson

he didnt she had a "jaye jr" as she calls it which the groups hates, so the crush stopped shortly after he found out 

"yeah, and you know why" amber said with an eye roll 

the group watched as mindy's twin brother, chad, and his girlfriend, liv, walked over, talking about something 

"im just saying, with everything going on, i think its time we take our relationship to the next, most intimate, level" chad said as the group looked at each other in pure confusion 

"the hell are you guys talking about" jaye asked as liv sighed 

"he wants me to accept his find my friends request" liv explained and the group nodded 

"its the safest move with a would-be killer on the loose! i know where you are, you know where i am-" liv cut chad off as the group watched them go back and forth 

"you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend" liv said and chad gave her a small smile 

"you can stalk me like a jealous boyfriend" he said which made jayeson laugh for the first time in hours

"is this because you two arent having sex yet?" amber asked the couple as they gave her a weird look 

"dont do it liv, theres a psycho out there, make yourself harder to find, delete social media, tape over your phone camera, disable gps-" wes was cut off by chad scoffing and rolling his eyes 

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