- five -

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jayeson roberts picked her head up seeing her girlfriend tara

tara saw her eyes light up, she knew she was saved

"oh jaye" tara said and began cutting but then she remembered but richie told them

fuck it. tara thought and cut her out

"im gonna go back down, okay? get yourself out" tara said and jayeson began to speak but tara hushed her

"i got it i promise" tara said as jaye nodded and tara went back down

after a minute she opened the door, peeking out


she tried to stand but remembered, amber had broken her ankle

"stupid bitch" she mumbled but she tried her best to stand

she felt the sting of pain with every limp but she had to remember who she was doing it for

she was doing it for tara.

she heard footsteps and quickly hid

"um, shes not here" she heard amber say as she tried to quiet her breathing

"shes not here!" she heard amber yell again

jayeson wasn't nervous and she didnt panic

she knew what to do

tara gave her one of her crutches for a reason

"i cant find her-ah!" jayeson jumped out, hitting amber with the crutch, over and over and over again, amber squirmed trying to get out from under her, but she resorted to kicking her in her bad ankle

"fuck!" jayeson said dropping the crutch, stumbling back in pain

"i dont wanna do this to you jayeson, just work with me-" amber was cut off to a knee in the stomach

amber coughed, having the wind knocked out of her, she was hunched over but not for long, she quickly kicked jayeson in her wound and clocked her in the head with the crutch as she flew over the couch

jayeson was dizzy, disoriented, she felt like she was about to throw up

she was weak.

she tried her best to get up multiple times but she just couldnt

she heard the screams, the glass breaking

but she just couldnt get up, until she heard a scream that made her get up

"JAYESON! JAYESON HELP!" it was taras scream, jayeson grunted, spit out some blood and limped to the voices

she grabbed a gun and cocked, ready to shoot any bitch that would get in her way

she saw the group but the group didnt see amber

she quickly shot her the group turning around seeing her

"i would never date you anyways, bitch" she simply said with a satisfied smile as she gave teh sweetest smile to tara as tara walked to her

"oh, jaye!" tara said as the two hugged, gripping on to each other like they were gonna disappear soon

"im so glad you're okay" tara sobbed out into jayesons shoulder

"im so glad you're okay too" jayeson said pulling away and kissing her

"i love you so much" tara said and jayeson smiled

"i love you so much more"

jayeson and sam looked at each other and sam limped as fast as she could to her

"god, i dont know what i would've done if you were gone" sam said as jayeson chuckled

"im sorry for being so..annoying and mean to you" jayeson said and sam shook her head

"its okay" she said while kissing her forehead


the police were there shortly after taking care of everyone, jayeson now had a bandage around her wound on her leg and a boot on her foot to help her ankle

"looks like we're twinning now, huh?" jayeson said as she rolled up next to tara and tara chuckled

"boot girlfriends" tara said and jayeson nodded

"boot girlfriends indeed" she said before the guy rolled her away




jayeson got the green light to be able to get out of bed to use her crutches, so the first place she went was taras room

sam looked up and stood up

"i'll give you two some time" she said as tara nodded

"so, how's your leg?" tara asked and jaye shrugged

"its ok, i guess, i dont know why amber was just aiming for the right leg though, it didnt do anything to her" jayeson said playfully which made tara laugh

"did amber say anything to you when you guys were alone?" tara asked and jayeson sighed

remembering she kissed that psycho

"uh, y-yeah, she was saying how she killed everyone for me" and tara nodded

"i knew it, she touched you way too much" tara said and jayeson nodded

"wait- but why kill wes? i get me, but why wes? and why dewey"

"she told me she killed wes because, he made me upset because he said something weird, and dewey, i dont know- maybe because of the time he punched my uncle" jayeson said with a shrug, tara looked at her with a lovesick smile on her face

"tara? you good?" jayeson asked and tara nodded

"come here" she said and jayeson walked over, moving from her spot on the chair as tara kissed her gently

"i love you and im so glad we made it out" tara said and put out her pinky

"JT forever?" tara asked and jayeson nodded locking her pinky with hers

"JT forever" she repeated as they kissed one last time


its not over. i have billions of tricks up my sleeves

also i probably have like 36 viruses on my computer trying to get scream 6 but like, i did it for you guys!!

i hoped you enjoyed scream 5 and get ready for scream 6!!

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