- thirteen -

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(please comment on this one, it took me hours😭)

the group was now in the busy and packed train station, this is the busiest and most public space they know of, ghostface could never get them there

"is this even a good plan?" ethan asked while they walked down the stairs

"you dont have to come if you dont want to" tara shot back not even taking a look back

"so we just..peel off and the killer picks us off one by one? no thank you" ethan responded but they ignored him...except jayeson

"dude, you've been sounding real dumb these past few days, and thats coming from me..and i love you!" she said as he furrowed his eyebrows

"love you too? i guess" he mumbled back

"come on! in here!" sam yelled making sure she had tara and jayeson in front of her

they pushed through the people trying to get to the train, tara holding on tightly to jayeson's hand making sure she didnt lose her

"ah yes! because it'd be much less scary than a serial killer movie theater!" chad yelled while being pushed up onto danny's back as they got pushed all around

they got onto the tiny and tight train jayeson making sure tara was alright and wasnt getting hurt

jayeson watched as chad's head snapped around and then she realized

mindy wasnt on

"wait! mindy! mindy!" chad had his arm through the train door, trying to reach out to her but she was stuck in between all the hundreds of people

"lets go! just go- oh shit!" chad said as danny pulled him back making the door slam as mindy was banging up against the door

the train was now moving, tara not having let go of jayeson's hand yet

jayeson saw the worry and fear on chad's face and felt awful

"where's mindy?" sam asked while looking around

"she missed the train, i tried to wait for her but cute boy here dragged me out" he said, his voice mixed with worry and slight anger toward danny

"i was trying to keep us together" he said calmly

"by pulling us apart?" tara asked and danny looked at her dumbfounded which made jayeson snort as she rested her hand on tara's waist

the lights flickered which the group ignored but some others on the train didnt

"its okay, its okay, shes with ethan, she'll meet us there" he said, sounding more like he was trying to calm himself down than the group

"shes strong chad, i bet she could beat ethan's ass" jayeson added which made chad crack i smile

"yeah..me too"

chad looked up, his eyes widening slightly which made jayeson look too

"oh shit" they said at the same time as the rest of the group looked too, seeing a bunch of ghostface costumes as the lights continued to flicker

the group was a little more nervous now, their breathing more heavy

"how many more stops do we have?" tara asked jayeson as she looked back at the map, the lights still flickering

she swallowed hard

"10" she said as tara and chad looked even more nervous, the lights flickered hard, basically going out at sometimes but the group tried to stay calm

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