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the group was now on campus

"okay nerds! listen up" mindy said, getting their attention

"as terrifying as this all is, im actually glad i get a chance to redeem myself in not calling the killers last time, but its fine" mindy said while fixing her shirt as jayeson wrapped her arm around tara and tara rested her head on her chest 

"okay! so the way i see it is someone is trying to make a sequel to the requel" mindy said as anika raised her hand 

"um, whats a requel?" she asked as mindy sent her a smile 

"you're beautiful sweetie, lets hold question til the end" mindy said as anika tilted her head and smiled

"stab 1 took place in woodsboro..stab 2 took place in..college" sam said 

"so we think the killers trying to copy the movies?" tara asked, now sitting up from her spot on her girlfriends chest 

"that is one possibility, heros now in college, check, suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and or body count, check" mindy said as ethan furrowed his eyes brows, a little offended 

"dont worry, this is how she always is" jayeson explained to her best friend while patting his back 

"check check and check" mindy said again

"i dont like this" ethan mumbled 

"but it cant just be about stab 2" mindy said 

"why not?" tara asked 

"it would make sense if this were just a sequel, but we're not in a sequel, because nobody tries to make sequels anymore" mindy explained while letting her arms drop down to her side 

"we're in a franchise!" mindy said with an alarming large smile on her face 

"and there are certain rules to a franchise!" mindy said as sam sighed while putting her head down 

"i had a feeling" sam said in a monotone voice 

"rule 1! everything is bigger than last time! bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shootouts, beheadings, you gotta top before to keep people coming back" mindy explained while ethan, quinn and anika looked at her confused but the others were used to it 

"beheadings?" chad asked while lifting his pencil 

"beheadings" mindy confirmed 

"rule two! whatever happened last time, expect the opposite" mindy said, the tiny smile she had while talking to chad dropping

"franchises only survive but subverting expectations, if the killers last time were whiny, snowflake film nerds with letterboxed accounts instead of personalities, you can bet the opposite will be true here" mindy said as ethan rolled his eyes with a sigh 

"and rule three, no one is safe, legacy characters? cannon fodder at this point, usually brought back to be killed off in some cheap bit for nostalgia" mindy said while waving her hand, showing how legacy characters weren't really important 

"its not looking too good for gale and kirby" mindy said while rubbing her hands together 

"argh, and thats not even the worst part!" mindy said her teeth clenched 

"oh, this is the part where she tells us the worse part" chad said while pointing his pencil at her, not looking up 

"mhmmm" jayeson confirmed, wrapping her arm around tara again 

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