- fifteen -

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the group was now all outside, it was daytime and kirby was getting medical assistance and tara had her arm wrapped 

"seems like they were watching over you" sam told jayeson 


"roman, jill and stu, because you're not hurt" she said and jayeson laughed 

"i guess so" jayeson said with a shrug 

"if you ever need me, call" kirby told the three 

"we're all part of the same fucked up family now" 

"and legacy doesnt always have to be a bad thing" kirby said, mostly talking to jayeson and sam 

jayeson teared up, biting her lip trying not to cry

"hey, whats wrong? you're not the type to cry" kirby said to jayeson as jayeson looked up into the sky 

"its just–i lost two of my best friends in the span of two years..its not a nice feeling" jayeson said her voice cracking as tara rubbed her hip 

"hey we got another one here" the four turned around to see who they were talking about 

"no fucking way" jayeson said, looking like a child on christmas day 

"chad" tara said while running to his side with sam 

"how are you alive?!" sam asked and jayeson was practically jumping up and down 

chad put up five fingers and jayeson smiled 

"we're the motherfuckin power rangers!" she said as they began to do their handshake and tara smiled at them as mindy ran up 

"are you guys okay?! i know who the killer is, its ethan and bailey!" she said quickly with worry on her face 

"and quinn" sam added and mindy groaned 

"and quinn? fuck! did i miss the monologue again?" mindy complained 

"are you okay? are you okay? you dont look okay" mindy went on as she and chad went onto the ambulance 

sam looked at jayeson, remembering all the things she learned about the roberts girl

1. she killed someone named elijah, 2. her uncle is stu fucking macher and 3. her cousin is roman bridger

"sam" tara called her sisters name 

"you coming?" jayeson asked with her arm wrapped around tara and sam smiled and nodded

jayeson, tara, sam and danny walked off together, happy to be alive and to be together.



thank you for reading (this book got 5k reads so fast omg??) but really thank you for reading 

i hope you enjoyed!! bc i sure did 



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