- four -

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jayeson roberts was drunk at a party that was supposed to be for wes but instead alcohol got involved and it turned into a party

"hey!" chad yelled getting everyones attention 

"to wes!" he yelled 

"to wes!" everyone yelled back as they all drank their shot, beer or whatever else they had

"shots really? this is supposed to be a memorial" amber said, snatching jayeson's and chads shot glasses

"tell that to jaye, shes drunk" chad said with a laugh 

"not fucking funny" amber said with her teeth gritted 

"well, this is how i mourn, and this is obviously how jaye mourns too" he said pointing to the very drunk girl beside him 

"and also how i distract myself from the looming spectre of death" he said to the freeman girl as she rubbed jayeson's muscles which, chad didnt notice


"hey, we're low on beer" mindy said as amber rolled her eyes and grabbed jayeson's hand 

"whatever, i'll go get some, theres more in the basement" amber said as she and drunk jayeson walked to the basement 

"you have a lot of muscle jaye" amber said, obviously flirting but jaye didnt notice 

"thank you, i try" jayeson responded while flexing which made amber blush 

she always loved when jaye would wear slightly short shirts so she could see her vline and her abs 

"amberrr, the lights are out" jayeson said as she flicked the light switch 

"what? they cant be" amber said as she tried the lights herself and indeed the lights were not working

she scoffed and turned on her phone flashlight

the two walked down the stairs as jayeson reached for the chain for the light as she laid her back on the wall 

"why are you looking at me like that?" amber asked, trying to hide her smile 

"like what?" jayeson asked with a chuckle 

"like you want to..kiss me or something" jayeson laughed 

"sounds like you want to kiss me" jayeson said while crossing her arms as amber bit her lip, getting close to jayeson before..

amber brought her into a deep kiss as jayeson rested her hands on her hips 

they were kissing for a good..30 seconds before jayeson remembered


"no, no" she said as amber pulled away 

"what? whats wrong?" jayeson weirdly felt more sober now 

"this, this is wrong amber, i have a girlfriend and i love her-" amber cut her off 

"yeah, okay, whatever" amber said

"thanks" jayeson said as she awkwardly rubbed her arm as amber went into the fridge for some beers

amber screamed which made jayeson perk up but it was just...mindy 

"what the fuck, mindy! jesus!" amber yelled as mindy rolled her eyes 

"what are you doing with jaye down here?" mindy asked 

"i brought her down here with me because i didnt want to be alone" mindy scoffed

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