- three -

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sam sits next to tara, whos watching her protectively, as richie, amber and jayeson sit next to them as sheriff judy questions sam 

"he called you on your phone?" sheriff asked as sam nodded 

"yes" she said as she looked over at jayeson 

"it was jaye's number" she said and everyone looked at her 

"he must've cloned my phone when he stole it and pretended to be me" jayeson said with a shrug as richie scoffed 

"yeah, or you just did it" jayeson rolled her eyes at the kirsch boy 

"stop dick eating, bitch" jayeson said as tara rubbed her thumb over her knuckles, trying to calm her down as sheriff judy ignored her and turned to question richie 

"and where were you when this happened?" richie looked down and amber rolled her eyes 

"i was...watching netflix" he said lamely and jayeson and amber tried to hold back their laugh 

"super solid alibi bro" amber said and richie gave her a angry look 

"so where were you" richie asked the freeman girl as she sat up from her slightly slouched 

"me? i was at the police station talking to the sheriff, but you know, the netflix alibi is good too–" judy let out a loud exhale, tired of the too bickering like 5 year olds 

"both of you, stop it!" she said and the two gave each other one upset look before sam started speaking 

"you're gonna put more cops in her room right?" sam asked and judy sighed again 

"we're stretched really thin, the best we can do is move you to a private floor, deputy vinson knows what hes doing, you'll be safe" sheriff judy said as sam scoffed while rolling her eyes 

"like we've been so far?" sam asked sarcastically as judy gave her an icy smile 

"samantha, lets step outside" sheriff asked as sam and judy walked out the hospital room 

"well..that was very–" 

"richie, shut up" jayeson said which made richie let out an aggravated huff as sam came back in shortly after 

"well, she remains a delight" sam said

"are you okay?" tara asked and sam let out of small huff as she looked at the other three people in the room

"theres something i need to talk to tara about, could you guys give us a minute?" sam asked and the three nodded 

"come on netflix" amber sighs out which makes jayeson chuckle as she holds the door open for the two, "accidentally" making the door almost slam into richie's face 

"so what happened?" chad asked 

"nothing really, sam left with sheriff judy then came back in asking to be alone with tara" jaye explained

"so there was basically no point in going into the room" amber said 

"to jaye there was, to see her girlfriend" wes said as amber rolled her eyes 




"so, are we gonna jump sam or no?" amber asked and the group all shook their heads as mindy walked in with sam, richie and dewey 

they dont look pleased to see her

"you said to bring everyone" mindy said as martha meeks walked in with a tray of snacks

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