- fourteen -

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sam stared at the mask in shock

"this is what we've been counting down to sam" detective bailey said while holding it up in her face 

"m'gonna need you to put it on" bailey said while nodding at her 

"fuck you!" sam said, knocking the mask out of the detectives hand and ethan quickly sliced her, she fell into jayeson's arms as sam held onto her wound 

"wooo!" ethan said, teasing the three 

"you stay the fuck away from her!" tara yelled at the (now) bailey boy as wayne laughed, quinn slowly coming up behind them 

"what is this? you did this as a family?" sam asked while holding her bleeding arm 

"hell yeah bitch! you two should know this better than anyone!" quinn said, pointing her knife at  jayeson and sam 

"you're still not getting it" ethan chuckled 

"no i think i got it..you are an insane family-" 

"shut it little roberts! and...isnt your middle name macher?" quinn asked and jayeson shook her head 

"im not related to stu!" she argued and quinn scoffed 

"look, i dont know what you believe but i didnt commit those murders at woodsboro! it wasnt me!" sam told the three killers 

"oh we know that! of course you didnt, what'd you think this is? based on some bullshit conspiracy theory?!" the eldest bailey asked 

"come onnn, who did you think started the rumors about you in the first place?" wayne asked while motioning to quinn 

and when they turned around quinn was raising her hand

"do you know how easy it was to turn sam from the hero of woodsboro into the villian" quinn asked harshly 

"how easy it is to convince the world to believe the worst in people!" quinn gritted out while pointing her knife at sam 

"rather than the best" 

"you're slobbering-"

"i said shut it little roberts!" quinn yelled again as the three jumped 

"because its not enough just to kill someone these days, you have to assassinate their character first, so when dad here discovers your horribly mutilated body" ethan said as quinn jumped out at tara making her yelp which made jayeson quickly put tara behind her, gripping onto her hand 

"with sam, who was wearing her fathers mask, he'll say some poor dumb bastard read on the internet that you're the real ghostface and took matters into their own, diluted hands" ethan explained, knife still pointed at same 

"exactly! thats why its a perfect alibi!" wayne said from behind them 

"and all the best lies, are based on the truth" bailey said which made sam sharply turn around 

"you're a killer, just like your father!" wayne spat 

"no im not!" sam yelled 

"yes you are you motherfucker! you killed our brother!" quinn yelled and it all made sense

"richie?! you said he died in a car accident" jayeson asked in disbelief on how her life had came to this crazy shit  

"no no no, he died in the hands of your bitch sister, in woodsboro" ethan said, sam turned around quickly to wayne 

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