- eight -

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chad and jayeson ran out, looking down the staircase

"sam!" jayeson yelled, looking at sam

"get up here right now!" chad said quickly while the two ran back into the room

jayeson slid back into her spot next to tara, tara slightly tensing up

everyone watched the tv as the reporter talked about what was happening

"their names have just been released by police, jason carvey-" mindy gasped, the name being all too familiar

"holy shit! thats that chode from our film study class" mindy exclaimed, her arm wrapped around her girlfriend

jayeson rubbed taras arm, seeing as she was very tense

tara always felt safe around jayeson, ever since last year jayeson was always working out

she loved jayeson's muscles and chad loved not being the only muscular person in the friend group

"also found at the scene, were various ghostface costumes, a character popularized by the stab movie franchise" the reporter said, tara slowly looked up at the girl next to her, her heart dropping into her ass as she quickly shook her head, knowing what she was thinking

tara exhaled but was still nervous because if her girlfriend wasn't the killer..then it was someone else and that terrified her

"pack a bag" sam said to tara as tara rolled her eyes

"we leave in 10" sam said while walking away as tara pulled away from jayeson

"sam- wait! sam!" tara said, following her sister

"we're getting out of this city" sam said with a stern tone

"what?" danny asked as chad tapped jayeson's shoulder giving her a look that she knew so well as she jumped up, standing beside him

"thank you very much, suspicious new guy, i think we got it from here" chad said as jayeson pushed danny out the door gently

"have a good night, have a good stay, now go, go go" jayeson said while still having a fake smile on her face as danny look upset but still left

"good job" chad said to jayeson as they did their handshake

"woah- hold- hold on" jayeson heard tara say as she walked back into the house

"no wait- lets talk about this for a second, cause this might not have anything to do with us" tara stuttered out, trying to stop her sister from making a huge scene

"are you serious?" sam asked in disbelief

"its big city! its halloween! everyones wearing masks!" tara argued with her sister while pointing to the tv

"tara, tara..this isnt a coincidence" sam said while looking at her sister while tara sighed, just wanting her sister to listen to her

"you knew him!" sam argued and tara rolled her eyes

"barely" tara added as sam turned to taras friends

"chad, mindy, jayeson, back me up" tara gave jayeson a knowing look knowing she barely had any right to speak up

"i mean..it is a little bit.." chad trailed off looking to mindy to finish his sentence

"close to home" she said with a slight shrug while still stuffing popcorn in her mouth

"see?" sam asked glad they helped her prove her point

there was a silence, the only thing making a noise was the tv

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