- eleven -

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chad patted jayeson's back, giving her the signal that they should go into the dining area and mindy followed 

"just a reminder" chad said while walking up 

"not a single person in this room hates you" chad said gently as jayeson and mindy nodded while sitting down 

"okay? we have all been through some fucked up stuff and we are coping with it differently" chad said while sam wiped her tears 

"i mean, we moved here together for one very specific reason" chad said

"we're a team" chad said while looking around, sam giving him a small smile 

"we are the motherfuckin' power rangers!" jayeson said which made chad smile as they did their handshake 

"thank you so much jaye" 

"i fucking hated saying that" jayeson said with a smile, as they finished their handshake as tara watched her girlfriend with a smile 

"thats what im talking about" chad said, happy that he got his best friend to say it as tara, mindy and sam laughed gently at their interaction 

"come on, t, say it" jayeson said as mindy and chad nodded

"im not saying it" she said with a smile 

"come onnn" mindy asked as sam watched them with a smile 

"i mean- we are a team, im just not saying..that" she said 

"come onnn, woodsboro power rangers, got a nice ring to it" chad said and jaye cringed again 

"sounds horrible, but i said it for you" she said with a sigh 

"ive been sleeping with cute boy from across the hall" sam said which made the tables laughter die down and awkwardness replace it 

chad, mindy, jayeson and tara all looked at each other giving each other the look 

"boom!" mindy said while clapping her hands as chad and jayeson high-fived 

"i knew it!" tara exclaimed 

"i told you chad!" jayeson said as he playfully rolled his eyes 

"well, i started to believe you" he said 

"i knew it from the day you had that hickey" mindy said as the whole table laughed 

"i feel like..we should high-five or something" tara said while looking at jayeson with a lovesick smile 

"ew, stop looking at her like that" mindy said and tara rolled her eyes a light blush coming onto her face

"come on! power rangers!" jayeson exclaimed, locking her fingers with taras as everybody else's got on top of theirs

"stop saying that" tara said, still not liking the same

"come on tara, even your girlfriend is starting to like the name" chad said with a chuckle 

they pulled their hands away, still laughing as sams phone started ringing and taras face lit up, showing it to the group 

"ouuu!" jayeson said as they fought over the phone, as tara fake answered it 

"hey, so what are your intentions?" she asked with a smile as the group laughed 

"here here" tara said, giving the phone to sam 

"i'll call him back" sam said and jayeson felt uneasy

'she should've picked up the phone.' jayeson thought to herself, her smile dropping a bit 

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