- six -

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(2 months before)

(suicide TW in the beginning too) 


a young man looked at the address again, reading the message with it, he felt bad that he was coming over to her girlfriends uncles new house that he moved into before he sadly died from committing suicide 

'come to (random address). its my gfs house. we can talk there' he read the message one more time before getting out, smoothing down his shirt 

he was nervous, he hadn't seen the girl in years after he broke her heart in highschool 

he was glad she was giving her another chance, he didnt want it to happen this way but he didnt care, jayeson had beat his ass anyways. this was just revenge...sorta 

he knocked on the door...no answer

he took a deep breath and knocked again...again no answer

"tara? you there?" he asked while knocking, soon he gave up and twisted the doorknob 


he smirked as he stepped in, locking the door behind him 

the blinds were closed and there was only one tiny light on that didnt do a good job of lighting the room up but he thought it was sexy

he took his coat off, draping it on the couch arm 

he got another message as he sat down on the couch

'i see you, you look good' he scrunched his face up, looking around

no one.

he chuckled nervously 

'thank you, i bet you look great too. where are you though? i dont see you' he watched as the three circles popped up quickly 

'turn around, elijah' he turned around and his eyes went wide as he was met with ghostface, slicing his arm 

"ah! fuck!" he yelled, jumping off the couch, trying to get away from the masked killer as ghostface sped walked toward him menacingly 

elijah closed his eyes, hoping this was all a dream 

it wasn't. 

ghostface quickly stuck the knife in his stomach as elijah dropped to the ground slowly, his blood all over the counter he had accidentally cornered himself into 

"please" he wheezed out, hoping the killer would have some type of sympathy 

he didnt. 

ghostface pulled the knife out, before putting it right back in his stomach

elijah screamed out in agony, wondering why him. 

he was fully weak now, barely alive

ghostface pulled his feet, into the middle of the room, sharing one more look into his half dead eyes before bringing down the knife into his chest as blood seeped out his mouth

he choked but ghostface wasn't done

he took the knife out again, slamming it back down into elijah's stomach

elijah was dead now. but ghostface didnt stop. 

he brought the knife down again- or tried to before he was hit in the head with a pan

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