- twelve -

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the group walked down the alleyway, still tense and afraid from what happened the night before

"jason and greg were little atlantan rich boys" gale explained to the group as they walked down the alleyway which had graffiti all on the walls 

"apparently they used fake names to rent this place" she continued

"how'd you find it?" kirby asked in confusion as gale rolled her eyes 

"its called investigated journalism for a reason" gale said with a hint of annoyance which made jayeson chuckle 

"how didn't you find it, weren't you tracking them?" gale said as jayeson and tara gave each other confused looks 

"i went through their financial records dozens of times and this was not in any of them" kirby explained while looking around 

"doesnt make sense" she said, a little confused on how she didnt find this herself 

"dont worry, im just really good at my job, you'll get there" gale said simply, taking a jab at kirby as kirby rolled her eyes and sighed 

the group stopped behind gale as she used a keycard to get into the building 

once they got in tara quickly grabbed jayeson's hand, making her look back but tara wasnt looking at her she was just looking around 

gale used the keycard again to get open the gate as they walked inside of the dark building, the only light being gales flashlight 

"what is this place? whats with all the security?" sam asked while looking around as gale turned on the lights 

"its a movie theater" tara realized, her and jayeson's hands still interlocked 

"its not just a theater, its a shrine" gale said as another place opened, sam slowly walking as the group followed 

they looked around in amazement as mindy pushed through to the front, soon everyone branched out, jayeson instantly noticed her sisters flannel

she instantly walked up to it and honestly, it made her a little sad to see, kirby rubbed her back but didnt say anything 

"they got the whole damn franchise" mindy said while looking around 

jayeson let out a shaky sigh

"yeah, i get you" kirby mumbled as she looked at everything, her heart feeling heavy at the pictures and seeing jills stuff

"im glad you're not like your sister" kirby said as jayeson chuckled awkwardly 

"yeah, im glad too, i guess" 

"is that-" kirby cut tara off 

"the knife i was stabbed with" kirby said coldly before starting to walk away, jayeson followed noticing kirby's eyes watering 

"you've all been through so much" detective bailey said with a nod, mostly toward kirby and jayeson 

"who drew all these?" mindy asked, talking to herself but just outloud 

"yeah- how'd they get all this stuff?" tara asked, pulling her girlfriend along with her 

"i mean, isn't this evidence?" 

"well, cops like money and evidence can get lost pretty easily" gale said before turning around with a tiny smile 

"present company excluded of course" she said, basically just talking to kirby 

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