New case

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He had known that this guy would be his death someday! It had been clear to him from the start! This crazy guy with the crazy driving style and the thousands of cargo pants! First he forced him to do this job and said they could work well together.

However, now, because of this guy, he was in this damn situation. He might never see his daughter again now, or the rest of his family or his friends. At that moment, he really hated his partner. He could have just listened to him for once! Because if he had, this certainly wouldn't have happened.

Suddenly he heard noises. A faint shaking, as if from stones. Then a soft cough. Something was moving, or had he misheard? It was just too dark to see anything. Then he heard someone calling. "Danny?!... Danny?!... Hey, Danny?!"

A few hours before:

Steve was happy. He had just completed the one week reserve training. Finally he could go home again. He had even come home a day earlier than planned. So he now wanted to surprise his ohana and had accepted a taxi for that.

When Steve got home and opened the door, a cloud of smoke suddenly hit him. He quickly ran to the kitchen, from which the smoke seemed to be coming. What he saw surprised him.

"Danny, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Steve. I thought you wouldn't come back until tomorrow."

"Well, I was able to come back a day early. But back to my question. What are you doing here ?"

While Danny searched for the right words, Steve opened the kitchen window to get rid of the smoke.

"I just tried a new recipe. And well, it didn't go well."

"I see. Listen, when I let you stay with me after you had water damage in your house, I certainly didn't agree to this. Besides, it should have been repaired by now, if I'm not mistaken."

"No, it's not repaired yet. I got a call yesterday. It will probably take another day or two."

"All right. Of course you can stay here as long as you like, but you'll tidy up my kitchen so that it doesn't look like a battlefield. And secondly, you'll never try recipes in my kitchen again. Are we clear ?"

"Yes, sure. But tell me, how was your vacation?"

"First of all, it wasn't vacation, it was reservist training. And secondly, it was good to have some distraction and do something different. Do you have a case right now?"

"No. We had one while you were gone, but nothing major. It was completed within two days. As you can see, we're perfectly capable of solving a case even if none of the McGarretts are there."

"Be honest, you missed me."

"No, not a minute. In fact, no one was shot, blown up, or kidnapped while you were away. Why is that, Steven?"

Danny didn't omit to support his statements by gesturing wildly. Steve, however, had to admit that this "danger magnet stuff" was getting on his nerves, but that he somehow missed these arguments with Danny.

"You still think I'm a danger magnet?"

"Of course I do and my opinion will not change! It just confirms itself more and more."

"Sure. And now better clean up here before I throw you out of my house."

At that moment, Danny's cell phone rang. "Williams?... Okay, I'll be right there."

"What's up ?"

"A body was found on Waikiki Beach. What did I just say about you, the danger magnet?"

"It's not my fault. And I'm going there and you won't come until you've cleaned up my kitchen."

Hawaii Five-0: Adventures (Secrets Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now