Chapter 9

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"Hey Cath, I am very sorry that I can't tell you personally. I was called from reserve for an assignment. Unfortunately I can't tell you more. Please don't worry, I'll be careful and I'll come back to you. I love you. Steve"

That couldn't be true now. Catherine knew exactly how dangerous such missions were and had always feared for Steve when he was sent on a mission as a SEAL. But now it was even worse. After all, they were married now, and besides, Steve wasn't healthy yet, so he couldn't operate as usual. And any small mistake on such missions could be fatal.

Catherine sat on the bed and stared out the window. The sun was almost down, making the sky look beautiful. As Catherine stared up at the sky, all she could think about was Steve. Now all she could do was hope that he would survive this mission and come home to her.


When Steve woke up, he wasn't feeling well. His two bruised ribs made themselves felt immediately and he also had a headache. Steve tried to move but couldn't. He was tied to a chair and the room he was in was dark, except for a small lamp that lit up the room a bit. Steve tried to remember what happened and how he ended up here...

Steve lay in his hospital bed trying to sleep and recover. Suddenly a man came into his room.

"Lieutenant Commander McGarrett, I'm here on behalf of the US Navy. We need to pull you out of reserve for a special mission. The Navy has no doubts that you are the best for the job. So please get dressed and come with me."

Steve thought the guy was weird from the start. He hadn't given his name or rank and somehow didn't look like someone from the Navy. So Steve tried to get more information before he just went with a man who might just be pretending to be Navy.

"And you are ?"

The man stepped closer to Steve's bed and held his suit jacket aside so Steve could see the gun clipped to his belt.

"You don't need to care. Now do as I say and don't do anything stupid, you certainly don't want your wife to have an accident today, do you? So get dressed now and come with me."

Steve got up and did as he was told. But when Steve got dressed, the man didn't go in the direction of the door, but held out a piece of paper and a pen to Steve.

"Now write a message for your wife on here. Write that you have been called out of reserve for a mission. And don't even try to write anything else on it."

Steve wasn't comfortable with this, but realized he didn't really have a choice. So he did what was asked of him. After the man had looked at the paper briefly, he put it in the chair next to Steve's bed. The man then led Steve out of the room to the hospital's underground car park. They were standing in front of a car and suddenly everything went black...

That's how he must have ended up here, thought Steve to himself. Suddenly the door of the room opened and three men entered the room. Steve recognized one of the men immediately. It was the one from the hospital. This now also began to speak.

"Sorry for the inconvenience, Commander. But you wouldn't help us voluntarily. Because of that, we have something else for you."

The man took some photos out of his bag and held them out in front of Steve. Catherine could be seen in these photos. How she was at the airport, the collapsed building, the hospital and the HQ.

"So, you certainly understand what we're trying to tell you. And surprise, we still have motivation for you."

When the man held out another photo to Steve, Steve had to process what he saw. After looking at the photo for a moment, he glared hatefully at the man...

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