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"Oh, Commander, if you really didn't knew, you should look at your wife so hatefully and not at me. I only use the resources that are available to me. And if that's an unborn child, then I don't care."
Steve couldn't quite believe what he had just seen. The last picture the man had shown him was of Catherine sitting in her car, clearly holding a pregnancy test in her hand. Steve just didn't understand why Catherine hadn't told him about it.

"Tell me what you want."

"Yes, that would have been my next point too. Well, you're one of the best SEALs known and on this island right now. And we need someone with those skills for our plan. If you help us, everything is fine. If not, your wife and child will die. It's up to you, Steve."

In the hospital:

"Catherine, did you find anything?"

Doctor Kahale entered the room where Catherine was still sitting on the bed looking out the window.

"Yeah, just read it yourself." Catherine held out the note, not wanting to read it now.

Doctor Kahale read it quickly and then put it aside.

"I'm very sorry, Catherine. Incidentally, I can tell you that the camera footage only shows Steve leaving the hospital with a man wearing a suit."

"Okay, thanks. I think I'll pack up the rest of Steve's stuff now and head home."

"Good decision. Rest and put your trust in Steve. He will come back to you. Then I wish you a good evening. Goodbye."

Doctor Kahale left the room and Catherine began packing up Steve's few belongings. After that, she left the hospital and went home.

When Catherine entered the house she was just sad. She was so looking forward to spending a nice Christmas with Steve and now she didn't even know when he would be coming home. But of course the most important thing for her was that Steve got home at all and preferably without injuries. After all, she still had to confess to him something she had done without telling him about it...

The next three days passed painfully slowly, at least for Catherine. She missed Steve very much and was waiting longingly for her office door to open and for him to stand in front of her. But actually she knew very well that it could take weeks.
And yesterday was Christmas, actually a day of joy. However, like today, Catherine had been sitting in the office that day in order to be able to distract herself with work somehow. It hadn't really worked, but she didn't want to sit around the house alone either. Then she could do something useful and sit down to the paperwork on the murder of Samuel Carpenter, which was now cleared up. In fact, after a very long interrogation, Liam Hayden confessed to shooting Samuel. He got fewer years for that.

Anyway, the governor had officially given the team the two Christmas holidays off, so only Catherine and Danny were at HQ working. Danny did this because he didn't want to leave Catherine alone and because he had spent Christmas with Grace, she was now with Rachel and Stan. Also, today was the first day Danny was out of the hospital. He was really happy about that, partly because he had heard from Steve too and he could think of other things while working and because he could support Catherine because he knew exactly how much her concern with Steve was. And it was all going to get a lot worse today, but neither of them knew it yet...

Steve didn't had a particularly good sense of time anymore, but he guessed he's been with these people for about 2-3 days. The leader, or at least Steve thought he was the leader, had now introduced himself as Brandon. Steve was sure that wasn't his real name, but at least he could call him that.
Although Steve had already thought of trying to escape, he quickly dismissed the idea. He didn't want to endanger Catherine under any circumstances and should she really be pregnant, he would certainly never be able to forgive himself if something happened to her because he hadn't followed the instructions of these people.
So he went along with this thing, only until now he had spent all his time in this small room, or rather cell. Therefore, he didn't yet know the plan of these people. However, that was about to change the moment Brandon opened the door and walked up to Steve.

"So, Commander, I'll let you in on the plan now. It would be better if you stick to it later. Anyway, you're going to help us break into the evidence room at the HPD and steal the money that was confiscated three weeks ago. With your skills, that should be possible."

"And if I help you, what's next? And how can I be sure you won't hurt Catherine?"

"First of all, you'll find out soon enough, don't worry. Secondly, I guess you just have to trust us, but we won't hurt her unless you make a mistake, Commander. It's all in your hands."
Steve thought for a moment, but realized he didn't really have a choice. And he would rather go to prison than lose Catherine.

At HQ:

"Lieutenant McGarrett ?"

A man in Navy uniform entered Catherine's office and Catherine immediately had a bad feeling just because of the uniform.

"What's up ? Is this about Commander McGarrett ?"

"I'm very sorry, Lieutenant. Lieutenant Commander McGarrett was killed in action. He was called to active duty on December 23. I can't give you the details, but his mission was to capture a very important target in North Korea. His team was attacked by enemy insurgents. We received a report from his team members a few hours ago that Commander McGarrett was killed in the process. I'm very sorry for your loss. Goodbye."

The man left her office and went on his way. No one could see the malicious smile he had on. So his job was done.

Catherine couldn't quite process what she had just heard. She was stuck on the phrase "Commander McGarrett was killed in action." That couldn't be true. That had to be a dream.
Then Danny came into her office and when he saw Catherine's face, he already suspected evil.

"Catherine?" he asked cautiously.

Catherine looked at Danny and just couldn't get a sentence out.
"Steve... He... he's..."

Catherine couldn't and wouldn't say it. Because that would make it really real. She was just hoping that it was just a dream.
Danny stepped closer to her now and now he had a really bad feeling.

"Catherine, please tell me what happened. What about Steve ?"

"Danny... dead."

The last two words only came out in whispers from her lips. She still didn't want to believe it. It hurt so incredibly. It was a thousand times worse than the times she almost lost Steve.

Danny felt the same way. At first he couldn't believe what Catherine had said. Steve had been through so much, survived so many dangerous things and now he was actually dead. His best friend, his brother was dead.
Before Danny could say anything to Catherine, she got up and made her way to her car.

"I have to go out for a moment." Was the only thing she said to Danny before she started.

Catherine drove quickly to a certain vantage point, where usually there weren't that many people and where she could organize her thoughts in peace. That was also what she needed now.
When she drove off, however, the radio was on immediately and at that very moment a song was playing on the radio, which finally made her cry.

(Hold on is the song in the radio, so you can feel more like Catherine)

The tears slowly flowed down her cheeks one after the other and she thought about many moments that she had experienced together with Steve. Their first meeting, their first date, their first kiss and then it was sort of like a slide show playing in Catherine's mind. She saw Steve's smile, the loving way he had treated her, his hugs which had always made Catherine feel safe and the many times he had asked her for a favor.
It all played out again, just much faster, and then there was the moment when she'd gotten the news of his death. This moment stayed and played over and over again.

When Catherine arrived at the lookout, she got out and sat on the wall that was at the edge of the parking lot. From there she looked at the sea and continued to let her tears flow freely. All she wished for now was that Steve was alive and would come back to her. But she knew that unfortunately that was impossible...

Hawaii Five-0: Adventures (Secrets Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now