Everything goes wrong

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Four hours later the team was at the meeting place for the drug deal. Kono stood as inconspicuously as possible on the side of the road and waited. Chin and Lou were seated a little further away in their surveillance van, but close enough to see what was happening.

It took about 10 minutes for a black car to drive down the street and stop in front of Kono. Chin and Lou watched closely, waiting for the car driver to hand the drugs over to Kono. However, that didn't happen. But Kono put his hands up and got into the car. Then they drove off quickly. Chin and Lou followed immediately, simply too slow in their van, which wasn't designed for car chases either. After two minutes they had already lost the car. Chin cursed himself for not wiring Kono because now they had no idea where Kono was or why she had been taken in the first place. But Chin and Lou were sure they needed help. Steve and Danny fell out, of course, but at least they could get Catherine to help, because they would need as much of that as possible.

That's how Chin called her. "Hey Chin, what's up?"

"Am I on speakers?"

"No, everything's fine here."

Catherine understood immediately what Chin wanted from her and tried to keep her voice calm as well, so that Steve wouldn't become suspicious.

"Okay, listen. Something went wrong and we need your help. But just pretend everything is normal. We don't want Steve to see any of this. He should rest."

"Yes, Steve is fine so far and Danny should be waking up soon."

"Well, you should come to HQ as soon as possible, I'll explain everything to you there."

"Of course, see you soon."

Then Catherine turned to Steve.

"It looks like I have to go. I'm sorry."

"No problem, just go."

Catherine gave Steve a quick kiss and then made her way to headquarters as quickly as possible because from the way Chin sounded it seemed serious. When Catherine met Chin and Lou at HQ, she didn't like the look on their faces at all. She finally wanted to know what was going on, which is why she now turned to Chin.

"So, what's up ?"

"Kono was kidnapped."

"What ?! How did this happen ?"

"Long story. Anyway, we wanted to get a dealer and then suddenly he kidnapped Kono. We don't know why, but we have to find them as soon as possible."

When Kono woke up, she had a headache and could hardly move. She quickly realized why: she was lying in a trunk. She remembered being held at gunpoint and forced to get into the car. Then they had driven a little and then stopped. After that everything was black. Kono tried to get her cell phone, which luckily was still in her pocket. When she finally got there, she called Chin directly. It took a few seconds before he answered the call.


"Yes it's me. Those idiots didn't take my phone from me. Unfortunately, I can't say where we are, I'm lying in this damn trunk."

"No problem. It's already our turn to locate your phone. Do you know why these people kidnapped you? Did you notice anything ?"

"No, I was surprised myself when it happened. And they hardly spoke at all."

"Okay, just hold on, we should have your location in a moment."

At that moment Kono felt the car slow down and finally stop. "Chin, we're stopping. I believe..."

The trunk was opened and when the two men saw Kono with her cell phone, one of the two took the cell phone, threw it on the ground and stepped on it.

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