One lives, one dies, or both...?

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Steve looked nervously at Catherine, who had now passed out. He constantly checked her pulse and frantically held back the tears.
Then he closed his eyes and saw Catherine in front of him.

Her laughter, her sometimes childish way, her smile, her touch, her kiss, her annoyed looks when he had to ask her for a favor multiple times in one day, her hand on his, her hair on his pillow, the first Meeting, their first fight, the first time she kissed him, their evenings together, their workouts, her hand on his neck, their thing they haven't called love for a long time, their special relationship.
It all came to him as he looked down at her and just hoped for her and Danny's survival.

Arriving at the hospital, Catherine was immediately rushed into the building and into the operating room by several doctors.
Kono then joined Chin and Lou in the waiting room while Steve got some fresh air. He really wasn't himself right now, he hadn't been that sad since Freddy died. He really didn't know what he would do if Catherine or Danny didn't survive, in the worst case even both.
Steve just walked aimlessly around the hospital trying to organize his thoughts.
The waiting was the worst, the ignorance, the constant fear, it was an awful feeling overall.

After a while Steve went back into the building and into the waiting room. There he sat in a chair and buried his face in his hands. At the same time, the anger at Wo Fat boiled up in him again. Actually, he had always hated him, but now the anger was so indescribably big that Steve was really exploding inside.
He just wanted to kill Wo Fat. Then his life would be a lot better.

After another hour of waiting, Doctor Kahale came up to the team and his expression didn't bode well.
"Well, first I have good news. Detective Williams came through the surgery just fine and is almost certain to make a full recovery. And to Lieutenant McGarrett, um... Steve, would you follow me, please?"

Steve was immediately very scared. He just hoped he wouldn't be informed of Catherine's death now.
Doctor Kahale took Steve to his office. There he sat down in the chair behind his desk and gestured for Steve to sit across from him.
After Steve did this, Doctor Kahale started talking to him.
"So Steve, I'm not going to lie to you by telling you everything is fine or will be fine. But first I want to put one thing at ease for you, Catherine is still alive. We have just stabilized her so far. Unfortunately, that won't last very long. I'm very sorry but the bullet hit her liver and it shattered into many small pieces so the whole organ is inoperable and if she doesn't get a new liver in the next few hours she will surely die. You know that this time is far from enough for the waiting list, neither from the island or from the mainland, so her chances of survival are... rather small. I'm very sorry, Steve."

Steve had to process this information first because basically Doctor Kahale had just told him that Catherine was nearly dead. But at the same time, a thought occurred to him to save Catherine.
"You said there's no time for the waiting list, so just take my liver."

"Steve, it will take a while to determine if your liver is right for Catherine. She may not last that long."

"Yes she will. Also, I can save you valuable time. Catherine and I have the same blood type, so let's get started right away."

"Okay, I'll arrange everything. During that time, you can talk to your colleagues."

"Oh, I have one more question. Um, are there any signs that... um Catherine is pregnant?"

"No, as far as I know. How did you come up with that?"

"Not important, it's a long story. But thanks."

While Doctor Kahale was preparing everything, Steve talked to Kono, Chin and Lou. He updated them on Catherine's condition and what would happen next. However, he also asked them not to stay in the hospital, but to find and arrest Wo Fat.
Actually, they wanted to stay, but they also understood that it was very important to Steve that Wo Fat finally got behind bars.

So while Steve, Catherine and Danny were in the hospital, the others at HQ were working to find Wo Fat. Steve had told them what Wo Fat had wanted from him and how Doris had helped him.
So that's where they started. Kono drove to Doris and spoke to her.
"Doris, it's very important that you give us the coordinates that you gave Steve. We may be able to intercept Wo Fat this way when he's trying to free his father."

"It won't be necessary. I've already taken care of that. Yao is well guarded anyway, but now even better and Wo Fat is already expected there."

"Okay, thanks for your help."

"Sure, just give me a call if you need anything else."

"Got it, goodbye."

Kono made her way to HQ hoping that Doris was telling the truth and that this plan was working. Because she didn't want to imagine what Steve would do if he found out that Wo Fat hadn't been arrested yet.

At HQ, Kono shared with Chin and Lou what she learned from Doris.
But Chin and Lou also had good news. They had worked with local authorities to track down five corrupt prison guards at the maximum security prison where Wo Fat had been held, and they were also immediately arrested.
Apparently, Wo Fat had broken out a month ago and had managed to remain undetected by the corrupt guards.
The bad news was that they had no other lead on Wo Fat, either his current whereabouts or his activities over the past month.

For the rest of the day and night they continued to work trying to locate Wo Fat.

The surgery in the hospital lasted a few hours. In the end Steve was fine so far, but Catherine...

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