Clock of death

17 0 0

Steve was angry. Very angry. He now understood why these people had just let him go. The photo showed Catherine and Danny both tied up in a dark room. Below this photo was a text:
"Wait for my call and don't talk to anyone. Otherwise both are dead immediately."
Steve didn't want to risk anything and so he waited for the call.
In fact, he only had to wait five minutes before his cell phone rang.
"Who's there ?"

"I think you already know. Am I right ?"

Steve recognized this voice immediately. And he just wished it would be different.
"Wo Fat."

"Exactly. As you could see from the photo, I have the people that mean the most to you. And you have something I want."

"How did you even get out of the maximum security prison without us knowing about it in the first place?"

"Steve, you should know by now that you can accomplish nearly anything with the right contacts and lots of money. But I would now like to negotiate an exchange with you."

"You've always played games. Before I negotiate anything with you, I want to see them live."

Steve looked expectantly at his phone and a few moments later he saw Catherine and Danny. As far as Steve could see, they were largely unharmed.
"You can't trust him, Steve! Whatever he wants, don't do it!" Danny shouted at him. And for that, he got kicked in the chest by one of Wo Fat's guys.
Then the video call was cut off and all Steve could hear was Wo Fat's voice.
"That should be enough evidence. Now listen carefully to me. I finally want the information from you where my father is. For this, Lieutenant McGarrett and Detective Williams survive. And I'm sure you care about their lives. So I'll send you the location of the exchange right away. We'll meet there in an hour. And come alone."

"I swear to you, if you hurt them, I'll kill you!"

"Oh Steve, we already had that. Just do what I ask of you. And don't make the same mistake you made with your father. Or should your stubbornness cost even more lives?"

Wo Fat then hung up.
Steve first tried to process the situation and somehow come up with a solution. Because he just didn't know where Yao Fat was and if he gave Wo Fat wrong information, Catherine and Danny would be dead and he could never forgive himself for that.
Steve saw only one chance and that was to ask his mother for help. He just hoped she knew where Wo Fat's father was otherwise he wouldn't be able to save Catherine and Danny.

As quickly as possible, Steve drove to his mother's house, where she had been staying for some time.
When he got there and rang the bell, the front door opened.
"Steve, what are you doing here at this time?"

"Mom, you have to tell me where Yao Fat is right now."

"I don't know that."

"Doris, I have no time for your secrecy. If I don't find out where he is in the next 40 minutes, Catherine and Danny will be dead!"

"What happened ?"

"Wo Fat kidnapped them both and will kill them if I don't give him the information where his father is. So this is my only chance. Now please tell me where Yao is."

"Okay, I'll help you. As far as I know he is in a secret CIA prison in Morocco."

"Thanks, but I need the exact location."

"Yes, come in, I'll write down the coordinates for you."

Ten minutes later, Steve was back in his car and racing to the location, where he would meet Wo Fat. He wondered why his mother had given in so easily. That was really very unusual. He definitely needed to talk to her again when this was over. Now he just hoped the coordinates were right.

Hawaii Five-0: Adventures (Secrets Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now