Rescue plan

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Kono and Chin had just arrived at the HPD to speak with Jeffrey Torres. Both were sure that he had lured them into this case on purpose. Now all they had to do was figure out why he'd done it. Because it couldn't have been revenge since Five-0 had never had anything to do with Torres.

When Chin and Kono entered the cell, Torres looked genuinely surprised. Chin caught that look and had to control himself not to hit him immediately for what he had done.

"Now tell us immediately why you planted that bomb!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Stop lying! You gave us the wrong tip that a deal was happening and because of you, two of our unit are now buried!"

"Listen, I didn't plant that bomb. I was here the whole time."

"You could have laid it before we got to you and arrested you. So if you don't tell us the truth right away, we'll make sure you get a lot more years, do you get that?!"

"Hey, as I said, I didn't plant that bomb and I didn't even know there was one. All I knew was that I should give you that tip with the deal and nothing more."

"Who asked you to give us this tip?"

"Andrew Hodges. Located in Halawa and wanted me to give you the tip. I really don't know more."

"Okay, then I assume he has a cell phone with him?"

Jeffrey Torres just nodded and Kono left the room with Chin. So now they had to talk to Andrew Hodges, so they headed straight to Halawa.

Meanwhile, many people worked to locate Steve and Danny beneath the rubble, using powerful microphones that they pushed as deep under the rubble as possible to capture sounds that proved someone was still alive down there. As soon as that decision was made, Catherine had already grabbed a microphone with headphones and was about to find any sign of life.

After a few tries in different places, she finally got lucky. She was sure she heard something, only the sound was very, very quiet.

"Hey, I hear something over here!" Catherine shouted at Lou, who was standing a few feet away from her. He reacted immediately and picked up his megaphone so that everyone could hear him clearly.

"Everything quiet! Stop work, no more movement now!"

As Lou spoke, he approached Catherine. She pressed the headphones to her ears with her hands, closed her eyes and listened very carefully. Now that her surroundings were quiet, she could hear the sound more intensely. It wasn't long before she heard it again. It sounded like someone hitting metal. Catherine's eyes widened, she looked over at Lou who was standing next to her and looked at him with hope and relief.

"It must be them! They live!"

Lou now had relief written all over his face, just like Catherine, and Catherine was really sure that the two were still alive, because one thing was clear to her. If anyone could survive an explosion and collapse of a building, it was her SEAL.

A rescue plan was now in the works as emergency services now knew roughly where the two were, but it could be a long time since they simply couldn't pinpoint the exact location of the two. Then Catherine had an idea. If they could get the mics down far enough to hear, maybe they could get a repeater for the cell phone signals down far enough so they could make calls. Catherine immediately put this idea into practice and tried to get the repeater as far under the rubble as possible. After that she took out her cell phone and called Steve and sure enough voicemail didn't come straight away which was a good sign. But even the seconds of waiting were hell. Although Catherine was sure that the two were still alive, she could have been wrong and they were already dead. But hope dies last.

Hawaii Five-0: Adventures (Secrets Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now