Goodbye...forever ?

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On the surface:

Everyone had heard the loud rumble and had no idea what had just happened. Panicking, Catherine grabbed her cell phone and called Steve. But this time the mailbox went straight away. Now she was really scared and looked expectantly at Hank, hoping that he had a plan what to do next. But his facial expression didn't tell her anything good.

Under the surface:

Danny opened his eyes and looked around. At least he was alive. He must have been unconscious for a short time, which was confirmed by the fact that he felt fresh blood running down his head. When Danny looked around more closely, he saw Steve lying about a meter in front of him. Danny immediately panicked. What if Steve wasn't as lucky as Danny or maybe he was even dead?
Danny had to find out exactly what was going on. He quickly got to his feet, moved to Steve and checked his pulse. To Danny's relief, Steve was still alive and the only visible injuries, at least on the outside, were a decent laceration on his head.
Danny was now trying to shake Steve awake. He regained consciousness relatively quickly, but immediately felt the new pain.
"Hey Steve. Are you okay, buddy?"

"It's okay, just a pain in my chest, it's probably not that bad."

Steve looked around and saw that their path to the destination was now blocked.
"We have to get rid of this rubble somehow, otherwise we won't get out of here."

"And what's your plan? They are far too heavy to just push aside."

"I don't have one yet, but as soon as I think of something, you'll be the first to know."
Steve took out his cell phone, but found that they had lost signal here.

"Okay, listen. We need to communicate with the others, but I have no signal here. So I'm going back to where we came from. You'd rather stay here, then you don't have to go down this path again with your injury."

"Are you sure you have to do this? Surely this will take a while and you know that I really hate staying here alone."

"Danny, if I don't do it, the emergency services won't know what happened here and we won't be able to come up with a new plan. In addition, the air is getting tighter, we no longer have time to discuss."

"Okay, but please hurry."

"Of course. Just keep calm."
Steve quickly made his way back. It wasn't easy to get through the tight spots, especially with the new chest pains that were making themselves felt with every movement.
But Steve didn't want to give up, he had promised Danny to get them both out of here alive and he kept his promise.

It only took Steve a few minutes to get there and pulled out his cell phone. He was lucky, because here he had signal again and he immediately called Catherine.

Just before, on the surface:

Hank didn't know exactly what was going on and what to do now. Their device to get the two upstairs was ready at the right place and there wasn't much more they could do. Hank tried to make that clear to Catherine and Lou as well. But Catherine didn't want to accept that.
"Okay, I understand that, but I'm not going to stand here and just hope these two make it up here on their own. So now I'm going down there."

"It's far too dangerous. Everything down there is in danger of collapsing. We won't let anyone else down there."

"It's my decision whether or not to put myself in this danger and I tell you I don't care how dangerous it is there. Put me down there right now !"
Hank looked at Lou, but Lou just shook his head. Hank should just put her down there. Because they couldn't talk her out of this idea anyway.

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