First lead

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Steve and Danny drove to Halawa to talk to Sang Min. Even if he had been in prison for a long time, he could possibly give them a clue as to who was a famous guy in the drug business and therefore knew the other big dealers.

Once there, it didn't take long and they were able to talk to Sang Min.

"Ah, McGarrett, thought you'd retire after what Wo Fat did and cut it all off."

"No, sorry to disappoint you. As much as we'd love to talk to you, we have a murder to take care of and we need your help to do it."

"Maybe I don't want to help you, unless of course something good comes out of it for me. But honestly, you need a new hobby than always picking me up when you're in a tight spot. Just ask someone else. Although I can't guarantee that you'll find someone who has such a great haircut as I do. On top of that..."

"Would you just shut up?! You don't even know what it's about. But if you help us, we could make sure you can see your family."

"Okay, what's your problem?"

"Actually just a question. Do you know anyone who is very knowledgeable about the drug business and knows when larger shipments are coming to the island?"
"I only know one person who sits here but is always well informed. I've talked to him. Seems decent to me, except he's in the drug business."

Now Danny turned on and took over the talking.
"Do you have any other information about him other than that you want to befriend him? For example his name ?"

"No, I don't know his name."

"That's great and how should we talk to him then?"

"Well, everyone here just knows him as 'Dark Red', has a red phoenix tattooed on his arm. I do not know more than that."

"Well, it's at least something. Hate to say this, but thanks for your help. We make sure that you can see your family soon. Good bye."

"Wait !"

Steve was visibly annoyed and finally wanted to get out of here and continue working. "What's the matter?"

"Do me one more favor and say hello to Spicy for me and tell her she can come visit me sometime. And you can send this other woman, Lieutenant whatever, with spicy. She looks almost as sharp as her. But don't tell Spicy that or she'll get jealous."

If someone else had said that, Steve would have gotten really angry, but he didn't take Sang Min seriously anyway, so he stayed calm.
"You know, I'm pretty sure Officer Kalakaua won't care at all about what you said here. And neither she nor Lieutenant McGarrett will visit you. Have fun in your cell."

So Steve and Danny left the room and made their way to this Dark Red. Before that, they spoke to the guards in this prison to find out who was behind the name and who they needed to speak to.
They found that out pretty quickly, since an inmate with a tattoo like that couldn't be overlooked.

Less than 10 minutes later, Steve and Danny were already in a room with Dark Red, whose real name was Andrew Hodges.
"Why are you bothering me?"

"Look, we just need some information and if you cooperate, it won't be long before you're rid of us."

"I don't like talking to cops."

"That was to be expected, but this is not about you, this is about your contacts outside of this prison. We need to know if you know someone named Samuel Carpenter who is involved in the drug business because we found large quantities of various drugs in his house. Far too much for personal consumption. Also, someone told us you knew about stuff like that. And as a motivation to help us, we offer you the following. You talk to us and we get you out a few years early. How many depends on whether you help us, tell the truth and how useful the information is to us."

"I've already heard that you at Five-0 have a good connection with the governor and can negotiate something, so I'll take your word for it. Well, I don't know Samuel Carpenter personally, but I heard from one of my contacts that he buys a lot and isn't a bad dealer either. I don't know where to find him. As I said, I don't actually know him."

"Okay, we need the contact's name from you so he can tell us more about Samuel."

"You really want me to betray my buddy?"

"Well, if not, then you won't get out of here sooner. Your decision."

"Okay, his name is Jeffrey Torres, but I have no idea where he is."

"That shouldn't be a problem as long as we have him in our database. And thanks for your help, we'll negotiate something for you."

So Steve and Danny made their way back to headquarters to hopefully find out something about Jeffrey Torres.

Meanwhile in Andrew Hodges' cell:

Andrew had his hidden cell phone in his hand as soon as he was back in his cell. He dialed a number and called.
"Yes ?"

"Jeff, listen carefully. You'll probably get a visit from the Five-0 cops within the next hour. They want to ask you about Samuel Carpenter."

"Did you tell them about me?!"

"Yes, but it can be of use to us."

"And how the hell is that supposed to get us anything?! In the end I also end up in a cell!"

"Think about it, you idiot! If the assholes of Five-0 are so keen on the island's drug dealers, we'll give them tips on a big deal. It's just that there won't really be a deal there, they'll walk right to their deaths."

"Good, then I'll give them the clue to the alleged deal and we're finally rid of this squad and can conduct our business more easily."


At headquarters, the team had just checked out Jeffrey Torres and gotten his address. They were all on their way there.
The drive was a bit longer and that's why Steve noticed that Danny was very quiet and just stared out the window.
"What's up ?"

"Well, it's Christmas in two days and the way this case is going I kind of feel like we won't finish on time and have to work that day. And actually I would like to spend this day with Grace, after all it took me a lot of time to negotiate with Rachel that Grace would be with me for Christmas. It shouldn't have been in vain."

"You really should start thinking positively. We'll make it by then and you can spend Christmas with Grace and if you're lucky your water damage will be fixed and you can move home."

"Yes, that would be good for all of us. Speaking of which, what are your plans for Christmas? Do you go to the shooting range and then do your gym routine while Catherine makes Christmas dinner at home?"

"No, rather not. I don't really have any plans yet either as it looks like I'll be spending Christmas alone."

"I thought Catherine would visit her family and then come back tomorrow or at Christmas."

"It was originally planned that way, but her mom got sick, so Catherine will probably stay over the holidays."

"Is it something serious?"

"I don't know exactly, but Catherine wrote me a little earlier. She must have been about to drive her mom to the hospital this morning, it really doesn't look good."

"I'm sorry man. If it helps take your mind off things, you're welcome to spend Christmas with Grace and me. Last year, when Rachel was at Stan's house with Grace, you invited me, or rather forced me, to celebrate Christmas with you."

"Thanks for your offer, Danny. But when we finish the case and the situation hasn't changed, I think I'll fly to Catherine and her parents and be with them."

"Okay, then do it. Come to think of it, it's better that way for everyone involved. Otherwise you'll end up giving Grace her own surfboard to Christmas and she'll never be able to get away from this deadly sport."
With that Danny tried to improve the mood a bit and it worked quite well because at least Steve smiled.

About 15 minutes later, they arrived at Jeffrey Torres' house and got out of their cars. Steve took the lead and headed for the front door...

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