Suicide mission ?

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Steve knocked on the front door and waited for a response. Since no one came to the door, Steve kicked it in with his gun drawn. The others followed him.
"Jeffrey Torres! Five 0!"

Together they worked their way through the house, but couldn't find anyone. So Steve, followed by Danny, went into the garden. There Jeffrey Torres was sitting in a chair with a book in his hand, not seeming to care what was happening.
It was only when Steve stood in front of him that he put his book aside and spoke to him.
"Can I help you ?"

"Yes, we have a few questions for you."

"Then hurry up. I have other things to do. And get out of my house !"

"We heard you're in the drug business, so we're going to take you with us. But what we're really interested in is whether you knew Samuel Carpenter. Apparently he was a pretty good customer of yours. And if I were you, I'd talk to us so maybe we can help you get your sentences reduced. "

"I was really just a mediator. I didn't sell anything to Samuel myself or buy anything from him, but I introduced him to a friend of mine and they worked out more deals together."

"And which friend was that?"

"Well, not a real friend of mine. I don't even know his name. We only spoke on the phone and I can't give you his number because he always uses different burner phones, he's very careful."

"So he always gets in touch with you when he wants something from you?"

"Exactly, and I once told him about Samuel Carpenter in a conversation. No idea how exactly they got in touch. But I could help you with something else, but only if my sentence is reduced."

"Depends on what you have to tell us."

"There's a big deal in less than two hours. Namely between merchants from the mainland and a larger cartel here on the island. Before you ask, I'm telling you this because it's always good to stop the rivals from making a deal."

Steve then briefly discussed with the others and gave them instructions. Jeffrey Torres gave them the exact address, was then arrested and the team drove to headquarters to prepare. Because Steve wanted to follow up on this tip about the deal, maybe they would finally find a track to Samuel Carpenter and could solve his murder.

However, on the way to HQ, Danny expressed his opinion, which was arguably the opposite of positive.

"Maybe we should check this lead before we just walk in there and possibly commit suicide."

"We don't have a choice, Danny. We must follow the lead. And verifying might be difficult as we only have one source of information on this and he's the one we just spoke to. So if you don't find someone in the short term who knows that there is a deal going on there or not, it probably won't work."

"But we need more information, otherwise it will be another McGarrett-style suicide mission! You've already exposed me to enough danger in the last few years, I've had enough!"

"Are you serious ? You're still alive, aren't you? For five years you've been telling me I'm trying to kill you. But you're still alive because I'm always had your back. I'm always careful. So calm down and just trust me!"

"Well, that won't happen until we retire and are no longer exposed to danger. Anyway, right now I feel like I can't stop you. So let's go to this supposed deal and if I die, you can apologize to my entire family for coming up with such a stupid idea that got me killed."

"Yes, sure."

Arriving at headquarters, the team spoke briefly and organized support from SWAT. Shortly thereafter, fully equipped, they set off.
The journey took about 20 minutes. Once there, they stood in front of a gray building on the outskirts of Honolulu. It had several floors and according to Jeffrey Torres, the deal was to take place in the underground garage. So everyone made their way down as quietly and carefully as possible. Steve went ahead and finally ripped open the door to the underground car park. When they got inside, everyone was very surprised. There was absolutely no one here, the whole underground car park seemed empty.
So Steve turned to the SWAT people.
"Okay, guys. It was probably wrong information or they noticed something and went through with the deal somewhere else. But thank you for your support."

Hawaii Five-0: Adventures (Secrets Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now