Under the surface

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20 minutes after the explosion, below the surface:

Slowly Steve regained consciousness, his head was pounding and his whole body ached. When Steve finally got his eyes open, he saw why. There was some debris on top of him, he was really lucky none fell on his head. And at least he was still alive, that was at least a small ray of hope in this situation. Now he had to free himself from the rubble first, then Danny and find a way out of here. At least that was kind of a plan.
Steve tried to push the debris off himself, which he managed fairly quickly as luckily it wasn't too heavy. But right after he freed himself from those, he felt the pain more clearly, he couldn't suppress a groan and just hoped that he didn't have any serious internal injuries. But he couldn't worry about that now, he sat up with difficulty and took his small flashlight out of one of the pockets on his body armor. Luckily it wasn't broken and was still working. But even this small movement, when Steve sat up, kicked up a lot of dust and he had to cough heavily. After that, Steve shone his flashlight around the room, there wasn't much space, which unfortunately also meant there wasn't much air. Before Steve got up, he pulled out his cell phone, which actually still worked, but it didn't help because he had no signal down here. That's great, thought Steve.
Now he stood up cautiously and looked around. He couldn't see his partner anywhere, so he started calling for him.
"Danny?!... Danny?!... Hey, Danny?!"

No answer, everything was quiet. Careful not to fall, Steve walked a few steps further and called for his partner again. And again no answer. Steve just hoped that he would find Danny and he wasn't dead because he wouldn't be able to live with that. As much as Danny upset him at times, Steve couldn't do without him. He really had become like a brother to Steve that he could always count on no matter how difficult the situation was.

The voice was very low and the last word was choked by a cough. But Steve had heard the voice and knew it was Danny. Steve immediately ran in the direction where Danny's voice seemed to have come from. And that's when he saw Danny stretch his arm up to show Steve exactly where he was. 'Cause pretty much Danny's whole body was covered in rocks. Steve was very relieved that Danny was still alive. Because until now he was afraid that wasn't the case and he had been on the verge of panicking about it.
Steve grabbed Danny's hand and spoke to him.
"Hey Danny. Everything will be fine. I got you, I'll get you out of here."

Steve quickly began lifting the debris from Danny.
A moment later, Steve had managed to lift all the rocks except for a large piece of debris that was partially on Danny's leg.
Steve grabbed Danny's hand again to show him he wasn't alone and Steve won't leave him behind.
"Listen, this one is too heavy, I can't move it. But I promise you, everything will be fine. I'll free you and then I'll get us out of here. But there's no signal down here, we can't call for help. But now I have to find something to get that chunk off your leg, I'll be right back."

But Danny didn't let go of Steve's hand. He spoke frantically to Steve.
"Wait, wait, Steve. Don't leave me here alone."

"Danny, don't worry. I'll do it, everything will be fine."

"Oh really ? Because we're underground here, in a tight space, with little oxygen, and my leg is stuck here, so I'm kind of worried."
That's when Steve remembered that Danny was claustrophobic, which made their situation even worse.

"Right, your claustrophobia. Just take a deep breath and try to calm down."

"If I do that, I'll just get more dust in my lungs."

"Danny, we have no choice. I have to free your leg now, so please do as I told you."

Steve was about to leave when suddenly Danny started talking. From what Steve could understand, Danny listed names and baseball positions.

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