Yao Fat

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"Hey, everything is fine. Take your time, it's not easy after such an experience. But you can't go through this alone, I'm here for you and I promise you that it will get better."


Steve left it at this conversation for the time being. He didn't want to rush Catherine, he wanted to give her the time she needed.

Suddenly, Catherine's cell phone rang. So she broke out of the hug, pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and answered it. The call only lasted about two minutes and when Catherine put her cell phone back in her pocket she had an expression on her face that didn't bode well.

"Cath, what's going on?"

"Doris is in trouble."

"What? But she is here on the island."

"No, not anymore. That was a friend of mine from my time in the Navy. He's with the CIA now, and he knows we're married. Therefore, he thought it's the right thing to tell me, that Doris tried to free Yao Fat last night, but the plan went wrong. Otherwise he could only tell me, that they hold her until they know what to do with her. He couldn't tell me more."

Steve was surprised and stunned by this news. What was his mother thinking then?

Catherine noticed that Steve was deep in his thoughts and was probably just trying to understand why Doris had done that.

"Steve, it doesn't really matter why Doris did this. We have to get her out of there."

"I'm not so sure about that. She's given many chances from me and each time she breaks my trust or just walks away. My patience is slowly coming to an end."

"I understand that, but even if she hurt you, she's still your mother. Believe me, you'd regret it if you didn't help her now. Besides, she helped you in times of need, just like you told me. If she hadn't given you the coordinates, things might have turned out very differently."

These words finally convinced Steve, because she was right. Doris was his mother and he would certainly regret it, if he didn't help her. So Steve and Catherine organized a flight to Morocco and Steve knew exactly where the CIA prison was, because he had taken a picture of the coordinates at the time. Since they both knew that the others would be worried if they just disappeared, Steve left Danny a short message.

"Hey buddy, I'm sorry to do this to you again, but there's no time for explanations. Something happened, which is why I have to go away with Catherine for a few days. Don't worry and hold the fort until then. I'll get back to you. Aloha a hui hou."

When Danny saw this message on his cell phone, he was immediately concerned. Besides, he hated it when Steve did that sort of thing. But this time he made up his mind to do something and support Steve with whatever it was. So Danny told Kono, Chin and Lou and they were there immediately. Since none of them had any idea where Steve was, they first located his cell phone and were lucky. It was on and according to the signal, Steve was in Morocco. Without much thought, they packed up their gear and flew there.

Steve and Catherine now had a small house in Morocco where they could plan their next moves. Catherine had persuaded her acquaintance at the CIA to send her photos, maps and other information about the prison. She watched this now together with Steve.

"Electric fences, there's watchtowers on every corner, armed guards, security cameras, I mean, the place is very, very well fortified."

"You're right Steve. We can hardly just storm in there. What was Doris thinking?"

"Doris didn't think anything. Apparently she made that decision emotionally."

"Okay, but I just don't understand one thing. At that time, Doris was supposed to kill Yao and 40 years later she simply risks everything to free him. Why?"

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