Chapter 27

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Penelope's POV

'I'm walking down a beach, the skies clear and bright with the sun full on blasting down. I feel a kiss on my hand and I look to my right to see Grayson smiling down at me. "You look gorgeous, sunshine" I scoff. "I feel like a whale" I'm confused, why did I say that?

He chuckles and places his hand in my stomach, I look down and gasp. I'm heavily pregnant. "You're a gorgeous whale, sunshine" I snort, hitting his arm. "I can call myself a whale, not you" He smiles and pulls me close. "My apologies, Mrs. Miller" I smile up at him. "You're forgiven, Mr. Miller"

I groan when I wake up from the sounds of walking. "Oh shit" I hear in a whispered tone. I crack my eyes open to see Grayson standing over. "Are you going to kill me?" He softly laughs and leans down, kissing my forehead. "I was trying to be cute and wake you up with kisses and give you breakfast in bed" He gestures to my left and I turn to see bacon and eggs with a cup of water on a mini table.

I smile and turn back to him. "I appreciate the gesture either way, and you're already cute" He smirks. "I am" I groan and shake my head slightly. "I take it back" He whines slightly and lays down on top of me. I groan softly. "I'm not as strong as you, get off me" He laughs and holds me down, pressing kisses all over my face, making me laugh. "Okay fine! You're really cute, now get off, you're heavy" He gasps and lifts his head. "Did you call me fat?" I snicker. "Not directly, now get off. Can't breath" He laughs and gets off of me.

I groan as I sit up, placing the pillow against the headboard and lean against my pillow. I smile and mutter a small "thank you" when Grayson places the mini table over my legs. I immediately dig in and quickly finish it, ignoring Grayson's words to slow down or savor the breakfast he made for me. Soon enough he had to walk to his kitchen to place the plate away, along with the cup and mini table.

I think back to my dream. Would I really want to marry Grayson and have his baby? I look up to see him come back into his room, winking at me.

I look down and blush. Okay, pros and cons. Pros first. He's kind, caring, respectful, protective. He makes sure I'm fed and makes sure I get rest. He came to my rescue from men and especially Tom. He's also funny and makes me smile and laugh, he makes me happy. Okay now cons. Uhhh, he um, shits? Maybe I would be okay with marrying him. Let's see, Penelope Miller. That actually isn't too bad. Wait, we've only been dating for practically a month, it's too early to think about marriage...right?

And why was I pregnant? I mean. I've always wanted a family. But would I want a family with Grayson? I look up to see him changing into pajamas. I look back down. I don't know, maybe? He treats me really good, amazing but I have no idea how he treats kids. "Sunshine?" I look up to see him smiling softly. "You okay?" I nod almost immediately. "I was just thinking but I'm gonna get dressed and you think you could drop me off at the cafe?" He scoffs and nods. "Duh" I chuckled, hitting his stomach softly.


I'm in my apartment and Grayson is playing around with the charms on my keys. I'm finally dressed, wearing a black jumpsuit with white heels. I turn around to face gray. "Let's go" He nods and opens the door for me.

I walk out and turn around just in time to see him hit his head on the doorway. "Fuck!" I start laughing but stifle it when I see him glare at me. "Hush you, I'm the one in pain" I smirk at him. "It must suck to be tall" He sticks his tongue out at me and closes my door, using my key to lock it. "I can carry my keys now" He turns around, smirking down at me. "Come and get it then" I huff and walk to him, only for him to raise my keys over his head.

I reach up to get it but I can't reach it, I try to pull him down, still can't get it and I even try to jump. I groan and he just smirks down at me. "It must suck to be short" I glare at him and I flip him off. During my tries to grab my keys, I had dropped my purse so I bent down to grab it and I hear him take a sharp breathe in.

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