Chapter 30

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Penelope's POV

Two and a half months later and we're finally leaving to the cabin. Took a big longer than expected because of my cafe and something had come up in Gray's business but we're leaving today to the cabin for a week. Well we're trying to, Liam won't let us go.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" I laugh softly at the strength of the four year old. "We'll miss you too bud but I promise when we come back, we'll finish our level together in Mario Cart" Grayson says softly. Liam pulls away from me and turns to Grayson and nods. I turn to Maria.

"Now are you sure you'll be alright?" She nods. "Yes, I'm not made of glass, Pen. But I appreciate your concern and you guys need this break. From I've heard, pen you haven't had a vacation for years" I side eye Grayson and see him slightly smirking. I roll my eyes but nod. "Yeah, that is true" She nods and sneakily points at Liam.

"Plus Liam has been going up there a lot, you guys might as well be his second parents" I smile. "We love Liam but yea, it can be hard to have alone time" She nods. "Yep, even when I tell him not to go up there, he still leaves and go up" I chuckle. "We'll make sure to tell him to listen to you next time" She smiles.

"Yea, anyways this is great practice for when you and Grayson become parents" I blush and nod, smiling softly. "Yea, it is" I look over at Grayson to see him ruffling Liam's hair. "Alright, you guys better get on the road then" I nod and walk over to Gray. "Ready to go?" He nods and stands up.

"Come on amor, let them go, ven aquí" Liam nods and jogs over to his mom. "Now say bye Liam." Liam looks up at us and waves bye. "Bye thumper! Bye pen!" We both smile and wave, Grayson bends down and grabs both of his and my stuff, walking away towards the garage of the complex "Babe, I can carry-" He shakes his head and gives me a look.

"You are my girl, my sunshine, I ain't having you carry something that can hurt you. What if your hair gets stuck on the zipper? Or you drop the bag on your feet? Or-" I start laughing, interrupting him. "O-Okay! Alright, my knight in shining armour, I get it. You're protective of me" He chuckles pulls me to him, kissing the top of my head.

"You have no idea" I roll my eyes and smile softly. When we get to his car, he opens my door and helps me in before closing the door and putting our stuff in his trunk. He walks back and gets in, smiling at me. "Ready? It's quite a drive" I nod. "I'm ready, let's go!" He chuckles and pulls out of his spot, driving away.

Once he's steady on the road, he places his hand on my thigh. "You think we can stop by the cafe?" He glances at me before smirking, shaking his head.

"You've already texted and called Cherry a hundred times, sunshine. Cherry has been working with you from the very beginning, she'll be okay, George will be okay, Lilly will be okay, the customers will be okay, the cafe will be okay, love. You just rest and enjoy the ride, it's going to be a long one."

I nod and lean forward, playing the radio. Unholy by sam Smith starts playing, I smile and start humming along to the music. Grayson groans before whispering. "It's gonna be a long drive" I turn to him and lean towards him, whispering in his ear.

"Lucky lucky girl, she got married to a boy like you" He chuckles and pushes me back to my seat, adjusting my seatbelt across my chest. "Be careful love." I smile and grab his hand, kissing the back of it. "Aww, look at you being affectionate" I blush.

"Shut up, you always do it to me so I thought, I'd return the favour. OH! Mommy don't know daddy's getting hot, at the body shot. Doing something unholy!" I see him smirk before singing along with me.

"He's sat back while she's dropping it, she be popping it. Yeah, she put it down slowly" I smile before shouting out. "Oh-we go, we go, he left his kids at ho-ee-oh-ee-ome" Grayson laughs.

"Sunshine, the lyrics aren't we go, we go. Its Oh-ee-oh" I smile to him sheepishly. "I know but, it kinds sounds like it so I just say that instead" He chuckles, shaking his head. "Alright sweet girl, you do you boo" I laugh and continue to sing along.


I jolt awake when I hit my head on the window. I groan, rubbing my stiff neck. I look over at Grayson to see him smiling guilty. "Sorry sunshine, forgot to tell you once we got closer, the roads will be more gravel and rocks than concrete, so bumpy ride"

I nod and yawn, leaning my head back on the seatbelt before my head falls back against the window. I wince and rub my forehead. "You know, I think I'll just stay awake, how long have you been driving thumper?" He smiles and holds my free hand. "I think for three hours, but we're almost there love. Just look around and see the land." I nod and stretch, sitting up straight.

I look around outside and see horses. "Omg horses! Oh they are so beautiful!" I hear Grayson chuckle before slowing down right next to a bunch of horses in a pasture. I see an older man walking towards us. "Gray, uh I don't think-" Grayson leans over and kisses my cheek before getting out, quickly going around and opening my door.

"He's our neighbour from the cabin, him and my dad grew up together. He's been wanting to meet you, sunshine" I look up him and smile, unbuckling my seatbelt, getting out of the car with his help. "That's him? That's Julian?" He nods before taking my hand and walking to him. "Hey Julian!" Julian smiles and opens his arms.

"Come over here and give me a hug, niño!" Grayson laughs before letting go of my hand and hugging Julian. Julian laughs and pats his back. "You know Julian, I'm not a kid anymore" Julian scoffs and lets him go, holding him away from arms length.

"Just because you have the girl you've been obsessed with and getting your dick wet, you are still el niño que quería ver la película Bambi." I furrow my brows and blush.

I took Spanish in high school, but i'm not fluent. I have no idea what he said, all I understood was kid and movie. But getting his dick wet? Why would he say that? That's so embarrassing and Grayson has talked about me to him before, before we even got together I bet.

Grayson shushes him and looks back at me, smiling apologetically. Julian looks at me and smiles, walking towards me. "Hola futura sobrina, cómo estás?" I smile and nod.

"Estoy bien, y usted señor? ¿Cómo estás?" He chuckles. "Look at that, she can speak a bit of Spanish, perfecto. I like you already, come, come. I'l show you around my farm" I smile and take Grayson's hand, walking behind Julian.

There are the translations for the Spanish words for those who don't know Spanish

Amor = Love

Ven aquí = come here

el niño que quería ver la película Bambi = The boy who wanted to see the movie Bambi

Hola futura sobrina, cómo estás? = Hi future niece, how are you?

Estoy bien, y usted señor? ¿Cómo estás? = I'm fine, and you sir? How are you?

Perfecto = Perfect

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