Chapter 53: Epilogue part 1

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Penelope's POV: Six years later

"Ain't no fucking way, that's the end? That son of a bitch" I close the book and lay it next to me. I push my feet against the ground as I sway on the swing Grayson made for me to read and enjoy the scenery. I hiss as my son decides to kick me in my ribs.

Jesus, this kid is definitely Ava's little brother. She used to kick me in my ribs all the freaking time, and she was definitely a rowdy baby, even after she was born, takes it from her daddy.

I smile as I look ahead to see Grayson pulling up in our driveway, he parks and gets out, going around to open the car door and unbuckling our daughter, Ava. Ava is definitely her father's daughter, she has his dark hair and green eyes, his nose, his smile, fucking everything. But she does take after me on some parts...I guess.

I laugh softly as he lifts her up in his arms and closes the door, bouncing her around before placing her down on the ground. Ava sees me and starts smiling, running up to me. "Mommy! Mommy!" I smile as I open my arms, she slows down before hugging me, I hum and kiss her cheek and she giggles, pulling away.

"Too much love!" I smile and shake my head. "Not enough love!" I kiss her cheek again and she pulls away, laughing. "Daddy took me for ice cream after school" I look up at Grayson and raise an eyebrow at him after he chuckles nervously. He bends down slightly to Ava and whispers horribly at her.

"I thought that was gonna be between us princess" She giggles and shrugs her shoulders. "Oops, sorry daddy" She goes off and runs to the plastic playground structure Grayson got her and starts playing in it. "Ice cream right after school, really?" He smiles sheepishly and leans down and kisses me.

"How's my number one girl and son doing" I roll my eyes. "If only you had the courage to say that in front of her" He scoffs. "To Ava, she's my number one girl, to you, you're my number one girl, I can't pick sunshine"

I smile softly before wincing again, rubbing my hand on where my ribs are. "Jesus your son is active" Grayson frowns and kneels down, replacing my hands with his as he rubs my sides up and down. "I'm sorry baby, fuck. I hate seeing you in pain" I shake my head and smile.

"It's okay baby, how was your meeting, and may I say, you look fine Mr. Miller" He smiles and leans up, kissing me softly. "As do you, Mrs. Miller and the meeting went good" I smile and nod before frowning. "Even at eight months pregnant, I look good?" He rolls his eyes and scoffs. "You always look good"

He looks to the side to see the book I was reading is faced down, a habit of mine that I do when I dislike a book. "Uh oh, what happened now? Why is the book like that" I groan.

"In my book, Hugo dies for his soulmate, Aria by the hands of her father as she watches cause she's forced to watch while she's six months pregnant. And then after Hugo is dead, her father then decides to beat her until he gets bored and leaves.

She then crawls to her love because she's so hurt and she holds Hugo as she begins to go through her miscarriage and she says something about making her father pay and then the end, that's why I don't like it" He nods.

"Yeah that makes sense" I look over at Ava and smile when she giggles as she goes down the slide. "She looks so much like you Gray" I feel him kiss my cheek. "Well she takes after you" I turn and smirk up at him. "On some aspects but jeez, is she your daughter" He winks and leans down.

"Don't I know it" He kisses me deeply and I grip his shirt and pull him closer. But our moment doesn't last when Ava throws herself at Gray's leg and loudly says. "Eww! Daddy gave mommy cooties!" We break away and laugh, I grab Ava and hug her to me. "Yes, I have all the cooties, come here!"

She shrieks and starts giggling as I kiss her all over her face, I give her mercy and let her go. She wipes away all the kisses I gave her and sticks out her tongue, I pretend to pout before sticking my tongue out at her. Grayson chuckles before picking Ava up and having her on his hip before walking to me.

"Children, the both of you" I smile up at him and take his hand as he extends it to help me up from the swing. "You love us either way" He chuckles and pulls me close, kissing my forehead. "I always love you, always and forever" I smile but before I could say it back, Ava says it first.

"Always and forever!" I smile at her voice as we walk back to the house, holding Grayson's hand and rubbing my stomach. "Guess what I bought to make tonight for dinner?" Grayson smiles down at me, waiting for me to guess. I roll my eyes and look at his car. "I don't know" I turn back to him and shrug.

"I'm making spaghetti!" My stomach rumbles loudly at the mention of spaghetti. "Yes! Oh I've been craving it for so long!" Grayson snickers and looks down at me. "For two days" I wave him off. "Far too long!" He shakes his head and smiles at me, opening the door and putting down our daughter as she runs in.

"I think we've lived together for too long, I'm rubbing off on you" I groan and lean my head back. "You're right! I'm being all dramatic and stuff" I turn to him. "It's your fault, now go get the bags, I want spaghetti" He chuckles and nods, winking at me. "Anything for you sunshine" I smile and lean up to kiss him but he bends down quickly to kiss me.

"Thank you thumper, now food" He nods and walks out the house to get the bags. I walk away from the front door to head down the hallway to the small library we have to see Ava there reading a small picture book.

I made sure to put all the spicy book and gory books high up where she can't reach and put all the nice fantasy books I have and books we bought for her, down where she can reach them since we don't gotta worry about them. I walk over and sit down on the small couch inside and lean back.

"Jesus, I think I need to pee" Ava gets up and walks over to me. "You need help mommy?" I smile and shake my head. "No baby, it's okay" She's smiles and nods and runs over to her book and picks it up and comes back over to me.

"Can you read this for me mommy, please" I smile and grab it, patting the seat next to me and she climbs up the couch, leaning her head on me. I hear a clatter from the kitchen and Grayson yells out. "My bad!" I laugh softly and flip the pages to the first page.

I feel a finger tracing my stomach and I look beside me to see that Ava is running her finger along the side of my stomach. "Hi baby brother, can't wait to see you" She says so quietly and I smile and turn back to the book to begin reading.

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