Part 2

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Kelly shook his head. "Could you repeat that?" he asked, sitting up straight and moving closer to her. Clearly, he misunderstood her.

Stella closed her eyes, saying it one time was hard enough; now he wants her to say it again, sighing again as she clasped her hands together in front of her. "I want you to get me pregnant, like a normal couple would do if they were trying for a baby." She said as she opened her eyes. "Okay," she said, noticing he wasn't going to say anything anytime soon. "I know this sounds absolutely insane," she said, standing up. "And I know millions of things are probably going through your head right now; it's just that...I want it...I mean, I know it's stupid to even ask, and... Oh God, I can't believe I am even here, standing in front of you, and rambling like a lunatic," she said quickly. "I wouldn't have asked you if I had any other choice, and..."

"Well, that makes me feel special," he said slowly, squinting, and interrupting her rant. She'd always found that squint undeniably sexy, and seeing it now certainly wasn't helping her situation any.

"No! I didn't mean," she started. "You know what? forget I even said anything. This was...this was a mistake."

She was beyond embarrassed. He'd barely said anything, and she'd said far too much. She was sure he'd never speak to her again. She could feel her face getting hot, and just before she turned to leave the room, she saw the smirk on his lips. He was laughing at her. Great. This was not how she thought this would go, she really didn't know how it was going to go. She couldn't believe she actually asked him; she figured she would chicken out.

"Stella," he said urgently. "Wait." She took a deep breath and turned around to face him. "Sit down; let's talk about this; let's lay it all out on the table." He took her hand and led her back to the couch.

She sat back down, looking at him. "I pretty much already did it, Kelly; there isn't more to say; I want a baby, and... I did my research, and I know my choices, adoption is out of the question because there is too much paperwork to go through, and the whole artificial insemination thing I googled a few weeks ago. I read reviews and stories of people who went through it, good ones and bad ones. And yes, it is very expensive, and there are tons of doctor's appointments, and all the treatments are very expensive, and the chances of me actually getting pregnant are very slim." She took a breath, "If we have sex, our chances are better."

Kelly was still processing it. He agreed to the whole baby thing, thinking it would be like what he and Shay were going to do. But the idea of a sexual relationship with Stella was mind-blowing—not that he didn't want to; who wouldn't want to have sex with Stella Kidd? but how do you just have casual sex with someone you're in love with?

"Kelly, it's okay; if I am asking for too much, it's fine."

"Are you sure you really want a baby?" he interrupted. "Or it's because you remembered how incredible I am in bed, so you just want a great fuck; cause if that's the case, I'm all yours. ", he wriggled his eyebrows. Trying to make a joke out of the situation

"You're funny," she laughed, swatting his side as he laughed. "I'm serious!"

"I know," he replied, "we're going to have the most adorable baby ever."

Stella smiled, "You said we were going to have the most adorable baby ever," she repeated his words, "So, does this mean you're on board with my crazy idea?" she asked in a hopeful voice.

Kelly locked eyes with her, giving her a huge grin and saying, "Yes, I'm on board. Let's make a baby together, Stella Kidd."

She hugged him tightly. "Thank you," she whispered as they hugged. "God, I can't thank you enough; this means so much to me." She whispered as they continued their hug. "You just made me so happy, Kelly."

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