Part 10

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The next morning, Stella stood in her bedroom, looking at herself in the mirror. Her black hair was swept back into a ponytail, and she wore dangling silver earrings. She had on a yellow sundress and pearl sandals. She touched the little bump hidden under her dress. "Your mama looks good," she said, as she tried to calm herself down. She was supposed to be at Kelly's at nine this morning.

He called Stella and asked her to come to breakfast so his mom could see her. She agreed since last night he was on shift, so she didn't have to worry about him being at her house. But tonight, he is staying at her house. Her nerves were shot, and she was trying not to stress about it.

She was hoping to have one of her friends, Gabby or Brett, on her side, saying that Kelly's idea was insane. But unfortunately, they were all on Kelly's side, which annoyed Stella. It also had her wondering why, it seemed like everyone was trying to push her and Kelly together. She was pretty much confused as to why they were doing it; the only thing she could come up with was that they wanted them together for the baby's sake. Which was something she wanted to do, but she didn't want Kelly and her to be together just because she was having his baby; she wanted them to be together because they loved each other. Which she knew would never happen.

She shook her head as she tried to clear her mind. "We can do this; I know we can," she said to herself in the mirror. "It's just Kelly," and besides, it's not like they haven't walked around town with their arms around each other before; they have always had a close friendship, so this isn't any different. Except. There will be lots of kissing, which, deep down, she's not complaining about because she misses kissing him. And maybe they could get carried away one night and let one thing lead to another, at least one more time. She needed to get laid. Gabby told her she was entering her horny stage of pregnancy; she thought Gabby was pulling her leg, but even the baggers at the check counter at her favorite food store were starting to look good to her, and one-night last week she had to fight the attempt to invite the pizza boy in. She was going crazy without sex, but she knew if she really wanted it, she could call Matt, and he would come running as fast as a rabbit running from a fox. But she didn't just want okay sex; she wanted great, fulfilling, remarkable sex. And she knew the only way she was going to get that was with Kelly.

One more glaze in the mirror, and then she grabbed her keys. This was going to be a long day, she thought as she walked out to her car.

Stella got to his loft a little after nine. She took a few long breaths before getting out of the car. Her heart was racing, and nervousness was taking over her body. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even notice someone coming up to her.

"Hey, you, okay?"

Stella jumped at the sound of the voice. "Yeah," she said, giving her a little smile. "How are you, Katie?" she said, as she hugged her.

"I'm amazing," she told her as they parted ways. "You look so beautiful; you've got that pregnancy glow going on." Katie said, "Are you happy about the baby?"

"Yes, I am happier than I have ever been." She told her, Happy doesn't even come close to what she was feeling; she was overwhelmed with joy and excitement for what was to come.

"Can I feel it?"

Yeah, of course." Stella said, as Katie took her hand and placed it on her stomach, "Wow," Stella said, as soon as Katie touched it.

"Something wrong?" Katie asked,

Stella shook her head, "No, move your hand over just a bit," and Katie did as she said, "You feel that?"

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