Part 8

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A loud buzzing sound awoke Stella. "What is that?" she questioned as she slowly lifted her head.

"I think it's your phone," Kelly said, still half asleep.

"Where is my phone?" she questioned.

"In my pocket, babe."

Stella reached into his pocket. "Hello," she said sleepily. "Hey Gabby," she said as she laid her head back on Kelly's chest. She lay there listening to Gabby tell her about the surprise trip Casey is taking her on this weekend. It was then that she realized that they were sleeping on her couch; she was laying on top of Kelly, and his arms were wrapped around her. She wondered how they got like this. "That's awesome; yes, you woke me up."

Kelly looked down at her with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't wait; see you soon. Bye, girl," she said as she clicked the end button. She put her phone back in Kelly's pocket.

"Why didn't you tell Dawson?" Kelly asks, still looking at her.

She lifted her head to look at him. "Tell her what?" she asked, not understanding what he was asking.

"About the baby,"

Stella's eyes widen. "The baby, what? Oh, my God!" she yelled as she sat up. "I can't believe I forgot I was pregnant."

"You forgot?"

"I guess it wasn't even on my mind." "Wow.. some mom I'm going to be, I already forgot about my baby."

Kelly sat up, wrapping his arms around her. "You are going to be an amazing mom. I know for a fact," he told her honestly. "It just slipped your mind; you just found out yesterday, so the news is still new to you."

"Yeah, I guess it's because I don't feel pregnant," she said, looking at him. "You know, I thought I would feel something; I don't feel different or anything; is that normal?"

"I don't know. I've never been pregnant." He joked.

"You're so lame," she said, as she playfully hit him. "I think I should call and make an appointment with my doctor, so I can find out how far along I am. Ask him all these questions I'm having."

Kelly nods. "I want to be there."

"You do?"

"Yes, I do. It's our baby, and I want to go through every step of this pregnancy with you; I don't want to miss a moment of it."

She smiled. "Thank you," she whispered as she touched his cheek.

"For What?"

"For making my dream come true. I owe you so big." She leans over and kisses him sweetly, a gentle kiss that soon becomes more than what she had in mind. But she didn't stop it.

As the kiss broke, he said, "You don't owe me anything; I'm just happy you chose me to do this with. You made my dream come true too." She leans into him as he hugs her tightly. closing her eyes for a moment, enjoying this moment of being in the arms of the man she loves with his baby nestled inside of her. Life couldn't get any better, but yeah, it can, she thinks, if only she had the courage to tell him what she was feeling. Then he would be more than just her baby's daddy.

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