Part 7

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Stella and Dawson sat inside the hospital, both wishing they had brought their jackets. It was pretty empty; just a few people were sitting to their left. Casey and Hermann went in search of coffee for everyone. Kelly leaned up against the wall, watching Cruz and Chloe try to comfort a very emotional Lily.

Otis and Lily were in a car accident on their way home from Brett's. Lily and the baby were fine, with just a few bruises. Otis, on the other hand, was in surgery.

Dawson called Stella a little after midnight to tell her, and since Kelly was at her house when she got the call, he came with her. In a twisted way, Stella was kind of happy for the call, not that she wants anything to happen to Otis; it was just words were said last night that can't be taken back. And she wanted to pretend that nothing changed between them for as long as she could.

"I hope he's, okay?" Stella said as she leaned forward in her chair. Silently praying for Otis.

"Me too," Dawson said as Casey came back.

"Here you go, ladies," Casey said, as he handed them a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, babe," Dawson said.

Stella sat there, watching Casey and Hermann hand out coffee to everyone. "Where's Brett?" she asked, as she took a sip of her coffee.

"She volunteers to watch Cruz's boys so he and Chloe could be here. Cindy has my kids; hospitals are not a place for little kids."

Stella nods and watches. Kelly talking to Casey, her mind replaying the words over and over in her head.

"Okay spill," Dawson said, as she leaned forward in her chair too, so they could talk quietly. She knew something was going on between the two, she's been watching them closely since they got to Med.

Stella looked over at her. "Spill what?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. Sometimes she hated how well Gabby knew her.

Dawson rolled her eyes. "Something happened between you and Kelly; I can feel it; something big."

"Nothing happened..."

"Bullshit, Stella"

"Gabby, seriously, nothing happened," she said, unconvincingly.

"Fine, I'll just go ask Kelly in front of everyone."

Stella sighed. "Look, it's no big deal."

"We have been sitting here for close to three hours now; Kelly keeps looking over at you, and you only look at him when he's not looking. He hasn't come over and talked to us. You both were acting strangely when you got here. Something happened, something big."

"Let's go outside," Stella said, as she stood up.

"Okay," Dawson stood up. "Matt, we are going to step outside for a moment, and let us know if there's any news on Otis."

"Sure will," Casey replied as he watched his wife walk away. "So, what happened?" he asked Kelly once the girls were gone.

"What do you mean?" Kelly asked, giving him a confused look.

"You know what I mean, you and Stella are acting very strange; something happened."

"Nothing happened, man," Kelly said in an annoyed voice.

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