Part 13

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A/N: This is the last chapter of this story; I hope you all enjoy the ending. Thanks for reading, and thanks for voting and for the comments. They were all much appreciated.


Stella awoke to the sound of Kelly's voice. She slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the morning light. She looked over to Kelly's side of the bed, expecting to see him, but it was empty. She sat up as she heard his voice again. She smiled when she realized his voice was coming from the baby monitor.

"We are going to go downstairs and fix Mommy's breakfast. Yes, we are." She loved it when Kelly used his baby voice to talk to their son. "Today is a special day, at least for Mama... Well, it's a special day for all of us. Even though I know you have no clue what today is and you won't remember this day when you're older, it's still going to be one of those unforgettable days. "

Stella got up, put on her robe, and approached her son's door. "Today is Mother's Day, a celebration honoring mothers, and you little guy are as lucky as I am. You and I have the best moms in the world. Today is a special day for all moms, but this Mother's Day is really, really special to your mommy. You see, this is her first Mother's Day. Thanks to you, you made her dream come true."

Stella stood there watching Kelly change and dress their two-month-old. She couldn't believe it's been two months already; she's been a mom for the last two months, and sometimes she felt like she was dreaming and was afraid to be woken up. It's been seven months since she told Kelly she was in love with him; seven months being a real couple, seven months she was loving every minute of it.

"I remember how her eyes lit up when the nurse placed you in her arms. "

Kelly's words had her remembering that day too: she was tired, boy was she tired, delivery was long and painful, nothing like she thought it was going to be, and of course she blames the delivery room scenes in the movies, in which the mother-to-be, often a famous actress in full makeup and with every hair in place, "delivers" a baby after a few token grunts and groans. Seconds later, the doctor presents the glowing parents with a picture-perfect, neatly combed, scrubbed-looking, several-month-old infant. That was not what happened. Contrast that picture with how a baby really looks just after emerging from the womb: bluish, covered with blood and cream-cheesy gob, and looking as though the little one has just been in a fistfight. But Stella didn't care; she was just happy to finally see, touch, and inspect her baby. It could have been an alien; she would have still taken it home and loved it.

The doctor said it was a boy, and she cried, then the nurse said, you are a proud mama to a seven-pound, five-ounce baby boy. Her eyes widened as the seven-pound baby was placed in her arms. She cried as she kissed him, promising to love him forever and never let go. Kelly was standing right beside her, happiness beaming off his face. They shared little kisses and loving glances. She couldn't believe that she was finally a mother after all this time.

She was knocked out of her thoughts at the sound of her son, who cried out as his dad laid him back in his crib. "It's okay, little man; Daddy's got to find your shoes."

She couldn't believe he still didn't notice her standing there. She knew she could say something to get his attention, but what fun would that be? She loved watching him with their son.

"Daddy's got them," he said, as he walked back over to the crib. "So can Daddy tell you a secret?" he asked, as he put on one shoe. "Dad loves your mommy so much; mommy makes dad's life so much better, not just because she blessed me with you but because she is an amazing, incredibly loving, spiritual woman. Daddy has loved her for a long time but was too scared to tell her at that time," he laughed. "I'm not scared to tell her now; no, I love telling Mommy that I love her every day. Now I have something; I've wanted to ask her for like forever, but Daddy's so scared.

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