Part 9

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Four Months Later

It was a little after 4 a.m. as Stella made her way into her kitchen. The baby had her wanting chocolate ice cream with popcorn on top. She was popping her popcorn when she felt something she had never felt before. She put down the ice cream scooper and put both hands on her little bump. She bit her lip as millions of thoughts went through her head. She was twenty weeks pregnant now, and she had read every book she could find on pregnancy and what it's like to be pregnant for the first time, but this feeling was something she couldn't figure out; it felt like she was being poked from the inside, and her eyes watered up as she started to get scared that something was wrong. She wanted to yell for help, but then realized she was all alone; Kelly was at his house, where he'd been since the day, she told their friends she was pregnant.

She walked over and grabbed the phone, wanting to call him. She got ready to dial his number when she felt it again. "Wow!" she said as she dropped the phone. It felt as though a very light bubble appeared, rose up, and popped. "What is that?" she kept asking herself. She noticed her baby book lying on her table, so she slowly walked over to it. And started to flip through the book quickly. Oh, my god," she said, as she started to put two and two together. She felt it again, and this time a huge smile appeared on her face.

She went back to get the phone to call Kelly and was excited to tell him what was happening. Her smile faded as his voicemail picked up, and she ended the call, not wanting to leave a message. She laid the phone down and said, "Hey, Kelly. Guess what? Our baby just kicked for the first time. Call me back," she said, talking to herself in a sad tone, she couldn't leave him a voicemail; she wanted to hear his voice when she told him or see his face; she was really hating that he wasn't around as much.

Things between her and Kelly had changed somewhat; he was acting differently now that she was pregnant, but she figured it was just nervousness or something now that he was going to be a father. She actually thought he was going to be over more than he used to be, but he told her that it was best if he stayed at his house and she stayed at hers. They haven't had sex since they found out she was pregnant, which was part of the deal, but she just didn't think it was going to stay part of the deal. She was missing the closeness they gained. He called her a lot to check up on her, and now that she is working as Casey's assistant at the firehouse, he will occasionally come by and touch her belly and bring her food when he is on shift. He would also come by her house to see if she needed anything, but something was off between them.

He was there for her appointments and always wanted to talk about the baby, but something was going on with him, and it was killing her that he was acting differently around her. She actually had herself believing things between them were going to get better now that she was pregnant, and just maybe the baby would bring them closer, not further.

She grabbed her popcorn and tub of ice cream and decided to go watch TV. She got all comfortable on the couch and started flipping through the channels. She settled on Friends reruns on Nick at Nite. She smiled, as she noticed it was the one when Rachel had just had her baby. "I can't wait to meet you," she said to her little bump, smiling at the thought of holding her baby for the first time.

"I don't care if you are a boy or girl; I'm going to love you forever, and I'm going to be the best mom I possibly can be, I promise." She said this to her unborn child. She read that it was good to talk to the baby and let it get used to your voice, so every chance she gets, she talks to it about all kinds of stuff.

Her eyes widen as she looks at the TV and hears Rachel talk about Ross moving on with his life while she is left to raise their daughter. Stella's eyes tear up as she realizes that she too is in the same situation as Rachel. She is having a baby with her close male friend, who she has feelings for but the guy doesn't feel the same, and one day Kelly is going to meet someone who will want to have his future children, someone he is going to want to marry, and she will just be the close friend he felt sorry for and made a huge mistake with.

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