Part 12

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Kelly lay on his bed in his office, staring at the ceiling. It's been two days, three hours, forty-six minutes, and twenty-six seconds. Since he talked to Stella. He has called her countless times, but her phone goes straight to voicemail. She hasn't been home. No one had seen her since the birthday party when she overheard a conversation about the plan.

Herrmann came to Kelly and Dawson and told them that Stella knew about the plan. He apologized over and over; he said she was crying and looked devastated. She told Hermann she had to leave and not to follow her; she needed to be alone.

She didn't have her car because she came to the party with Kelly. So, he couldn't figure out where she went; no one even knew she left except Herrmann, who is still kicking himself for what happened and not going after her.

"Hey," Casey said as he entered Kelly's office.

"Did Dawson talk to her?" His voice was full of curiosity.

Casey sighed. "No, she hasn't," he told him. His wife and best friend were both upset, and he didn't know how to fix it. He told Gabby this could happen, but no one wanted to listen.

"Where can she be?"

"I don't know."

"I think she got kidnapped."

"You sound like Gabby; she believes the same thing; she even called her brother."

Kelly sat up. "Casey, no one has seen her in two days; her phone must be turned off or dead since it goes straight to voicemail. She hasn't been home; I've been sleeping on her porch. Her Jeep is in the driveway, and her mail hasn't been checked. She didn't even come to work today; you know that's not something Stella does. That's the only thing that makes sense. "

"You've been sleeping on her porch?"

"Yeah, I am worried about her. So, I go and sit on her porch. I'm hoping she comes home; she has to come home sometime. And last night, I...

Casey gave him a confused look. "Last night, you did what?"

He put his head in his hands. "I kind of busted down her back door last night. I needed to make sure she was okay. "

"But she wasn't there?" Casey asked.

"No, I don't know where she is. I'm so worried about her and my baby." He tells him as he looks up at him with tears in his eyes.

"I know; I wish I had answers for you," Casey said as he patted him on the back. Not knowing what to say, he was worried about where she was too. Everyone was.

A knock on the door interrupted them. " Hey!" Antonio said as he entered the room. "Look, Gabby told me about Stella. I've been working undercover the last few days; I haven't even been home to see my family in a week. I got some people looking into it. The unit is undercover right now, so we can't really do much. But I got this, I promise. We will find her."

"I hope so," Kelly tells him.

"Severide, we will, I promise."

"Thanks, man," Casey said as he shook his hand. He looked at Kelly, who was looking down at the floor. He's never seen him so heartbroken.

Brett walked by, noticing her husband in Severide's office. "Hey!" she said as he stepped out of the office.

"Hey, baby!" He hugged and kissed her.

"I thought you were working undercover this week too; the kids miss you."

"Just the kids?" he teased, as he kissed her forehead.

"Me too, of course," she tells him as he holds her close.

"Dawson and Kelly believe Stella was kidnapped, so I'm going to have Trudy look into it."

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