Part 11

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What was that for?" Kelly asked as she pulled back from their heated make-out session. Staring into her glowing face. "Not that I didn't like it, because I did; I just didn't expect you to be so." he trailed off, trying to think of a word.

"So forward..." She finished for him. She rested her head on his forehead. "I just had the urge to kiss you," she told him, repeating his words from earlier, as she ran her thumb over the bottom of his lip.

He smiled, "Well, anytime you have that urge, please feel free to do so." He kissed her finger that was against his lips. "Are you feeling, okay?" he asked lovingly.

She licked her lips, "I feel pretty good," she told him, and, in all honesty, she was; she was loving acting like his girlfriend. "I haven't been this happy in a while."

" Me either," he said, as he reached up to kiss her again, with a kiss that was short but sweet.

"Food's done; come and get it."  Mouch yelled, as he placed the meat on the table.

"Are you hungry?" Kelly asked as he reached up to caress her cheek.

She pulled back. "Did you forget who you're talking to." she teased "I'm always hungry. Especially now, thanks to you."

" Me?"

"Yes," she said, as she pointed to her stomach, "Your baby keeps me hungry..."

He loved it when she said things like that: His baby, our baby, their baby, Yep, she was having his baby, and she was sitting on his lap and kissing him like she wanted to, not like she had to. "Let's go feed our baby, sweetheart." he tells, her as he pecks her lips once more.

She stood and pulled him up with her, as they walked towards the house, she rolled her eyes. Clearly, her day has been ruined now at the sight of the person standing beside Brett.


Casey and Jennifer pulled Gabby into the other room, saying, "Okay, I don't get the reason she is here."

"Gabby invited her; I don't understand it either," Cruz said as he entered the room.

Dawson sighed, "Yes, I did..."

"Why? This is not going to help your little plan." Casey told her. He hated the plan; he told Gabby to let things be. Stella and Kelly would eventually figure things out on their own. But she wouldn't listen to him. He was shocked that Kelly and the rest agreed to the plan, he was the only one protesting it.

Cruz crossed his arms. " That's what Brett and I tried to tell her last night. but you know your wife is hardheaded. "

"Oh, I know," Casey ran his fingers through his hair. "I just don't want a fight to break out at our son's birthday party."

" What? Why? " Jennifer asked, clearly confused, who the young woman was. "Who is she?"

"She happens to be super obsessed with your son," Cruz said.

Jennifer arched her eyebrow at Dawson. "How is inviting someone who is supposedly obsessive with Kelly going to help Stella confess her feelings?" She questioned as she looked at the door. "And why is she obsessed with my son?"

"Look, it's the perfect plan; I know Stella doesn't care for her."

"That's putting it lightly," Casey said. as he shook his head. " This plan was a bad idea."

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