Part 6

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Stella was sitting on the bench in the locker room. Shift was finally over, and she was ready to go home and climb into her warm bed. Although she wanted Kelly to join her, unfortunately, he was helping OFI with a case. He was gone the whole shift, which sucked for Stella. She hated being at the firehouse without him. Her phone buzzes, indicating a new message. Her face lit up as she noticed the message was from Kelly.

Kelly: Hey Beautiful! What are you up to?

Stella: Getting ready to head home. Shouldn't you be investigating something?

Kelly: Oh, yes, I'm investigating what color panties you are wearing today.

Stella laughed out loud. He texted her occasionally over the past month, asking her that question. She smirked and decided to have some fun with him.

Stella: I can't tell you that today.

Kelly: Why?

Stella: "Cus... I'm not wearing any."

Kelly: That's not fair; now you're got me sitting here in this hot office thinking of your naked, smooth, perfect pussy... God, I want to touch you so bad.

Stella blushed as she read the text.

Stella: "Well, maybe if you play your cards right, you could touch me tonight.

Kelly: Damn, why have I got to wait till tonight?

Stella: Because you are too busy solving OFI cases right now when you could be putting out my fire.

Kelly: Fuck, OFI, I'll meet you at your house.

Stella: Lol, I wish you could, but Boden is on his way over there to help you with the case, and you know he won't let you leave.

Kelly: Damn. ok. It's all good. Keep that fire burning. I will most certainly be putting it out tonight.

Stella laughed out loud again; she loved getting him worked up. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice she wasn't alone.

Stella: You are the only one I'll let put out my fire.

"Who are you texting?" Brett asked, noticing Stella's red face and the big smile she was wearing.

Brett's voice knocked Stella out of her thoughts. She looked up to see Brett, Casey, Cruz, and Otis looking at her.

"How long have you guys been standing there?"

Otis shrugged, "Long enough to know whoever you're texting got you smiling like a Cheshire cat."

Stella put her head down and took a deep breath, feeling embarrassed.

"It's not our business who she's texting," Casey said, noticing Stella's embarrassment.

Stella looked up at him, giving him a silent thank you. "It was just Kelly," she told them; it's not like she had to lie about who she was talking to; she and Kelly talk all the time, and they don't have to know what they were talking about.

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