Chapter I "A day out and relaxation"

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(Y/n) POV:

We were on our train heading towards Jericho as I just scrolled on my phone while Wednesday was taking a nap on my shoulder, which was a new experience due to me never seeing this part of Wednesday "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" I heard someone say as I looked up and saw a girl standing there "Not really," I said as I went back to looking on my phone as she sat down but kept her distance.  After a while of silence she suddenly spoke up "Is that your girlfriend?" she asked while signaling towards Wednesday as I just smiled "Yup, the most beautiful being in my world," I said while laying my head on Wednesdays.

She proceeded to ask more questions such as how we met and what our relationship was like to which I gladly answered all questions, I told her about how we met, how my love for her started, and how we ended up together by the end "That a lot to take in," the girl said while leaning back into her chair "It might be, but that's how our story began," I said gently holding Wednesday closer.  Just then the train came to a stop but it wasn't Jericho "Sorry, this is my stop," the girl said as she stood up and walked out as she waved to me from the other side of the window as the train then started moving again.

"Is that really how your love began?" I heard Wednesday's voice ask as I felt a chill run down my spine and I turn to see her fully awake "How long were you awake?" I asked as Wednesday looked away from me "Since the moment she sat down," she said which caused me to blush a little "So you heard... everything?" I asked as she just nodded which caused me to blush even more.  Just then I felt her wrap her arms around me yet didn't lose her dead eyed expression "I would be lying if I said I didn't fall for you too," she said causing me to smile a little "Around when?" I asked as I notice her blush a little "Round after the Poe cup it started," she said as I hugged her back and didn't let go until we had finally arrived at Jericho.

We got off the train and started walking around while holding each others hands, which I didn't even know Wednesday liked to do "What do you wanna do first?" I asked while looking around "Let's get something at the Weathervane," she said as I just agreed and we walked inside in which we received a couple of stares but we just ignored them and sat down.  We both ordered and talked for awhile while waiting for our food to arrive "How's your relationship been with your mom?" I asked as Wednesday responded "It's still about the same, You?" she asked as I leaned back "I still haven't forgiven them, but they're trying to get me to," I said with a smile on my face, but a really faint one.

After a few more minutes of talking our food and drinks arrived as we enjoyed our meals and after a while heard the door open as a familiar voice spoke "Wednesday?" we both looked towards the direction of the voice and noticed Enid, Ajax, Eugene, and a few others "What are you guys doing here?" Enid asked excitedly as she walked up to us.  "We were just having a peaceful lunch," I said as Enid looked at me then back at Wednesday and gasped "Omg, I didn't know you guys were dating," she said as I responded "We are and we'd like to get back to it," I said while trying to keep a smile on as they left to they're own table as I let out a sigh of relief.

I then looked back towards Wednesday to noticed she was starring at me, but she wasn't glaring, instead it was a small happy stare, if that even makes sense, but then again, it's Wednesday "Thanks," she said which left me a little surprised "What do you mean, You could have done the same thing... maybe a little more threatening, but still," I said as I felt her hand grab mines.  "I could have, yet you did it," she said which caused me to smile and laugh a little "I'm seriously not used to this sweet side of you," I said as I felt her hand squeeze mine, causing pain to fill circulate me "Say that again and you'll lose this hand," she said as I just quickly nodded causing her to loosen her grip.

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