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(Y/n) POV:

I was in my cell, laying on my bed with my cell mate up top "I honestly thought prison would be worse..." I suddenly said "You've been here three days, don't get cocky," my cell mate quickly pointed out "Still... I honestly thought the second you'd see me you'd beat me to a pulp," I admitted "Assholes do that, I'm not one of them," he stated.  I continued lying down before suddenly heading our cell door open, along with a guard standing at the door "(Y/n) (L/n)?" he asked as I stood up from my bunk "Follow me," he said while letting out my cell and closing the door before leading me down the hall of cells.

The entire time, I looked around and noticed we were going in a direction I hadn't gone before "Did I do something wrong?" I asked, but was ignored as I was then led through a door where another guard was waiting "You (Y/n) (L/n)?" he asked "Yea... did I do something?" I asked again, hoping to get an answer this time.  The guard simply shook his head and smiled "It's your lucky day, you got bailed out," he said which surprised me "Really?" I asked before being handed my clothing "Yep, a woman came in yesterday, dropped a case of cash and left," he explained as I entered one of the rooms and changed back into my regular clothing.

I exited and was handed a clip board with official confirmation of my release "Who was the woman?" I asked while sighing it "She never told us her name nor could we see her face," he shrugged while taking the clip board back "But she did tell us to give you this," he said while handing me a large case with a code lock.  I inspected it a little before asking "What's in it?" "She didn't give us the code, but she did say it had to do with a certain date, something about a transformation," he explained which made me think for a bit before thinking I knew the code "...I'll look into it, thank you," I said before being led out the prison.

As soon as I got out the prison, I took a breath of air, finally being set free as I walked down the road, away from the prison while staring at the case, almost thinking that I knew the code but wasn't entirely sure 'I can deal with this later... first I need to see her,' I started speeding up my walking and started running, intending to see who I needed as quickly as possible.  I made it to a train station and managed to buy a ticket leaving for New Jersey, immediately getting on board and sitting down as I awaited for the train to move, feeling as if it was an eternity before it did.

I waited and looked at the case in my hands repeatedly, feeling almost attracted to it, feeling as if it called to me and a strong grip was pulling me in, but I was snapped out of the trance when the train suddenly stopped and I realized I was already at my destination, allowing me to quickly hop off the train and run through the two. I bumped into multiple people as I ran, but I didn't care, I had one location in my mind and nothing was going to stop me from getting there, and shortly after what felt like an eternity of running through the streets and to the house I needed to be at, I was here.

I caught my breath as I slowly approached the door, feeling as if it had been years since I was last here before giving it a small knock but with no answer, I knocked harder and the same Frankenstein style monster stood before me, grunting in greeting "...I'm here to see Wednesday, Wednesday Addams," I told it as he let me in and went up the stairs. Even only after leaving a few seconds, I was already impatient, I wanted to see her already, and I guess she felt the same way, because not even a second later, I heard foot steps running down the hall, and there she stood, staring at me with surprise "...It's been a while, Wednesday," was all I could muster up to say.

Wednesday POV:

I was in my room, with only three days since (Y/n) had been arrested... still an unreasonable arrest in my opinion, but there wasn't much I could do since everything (Y/n) has done to be claimed as guilty was justified by law, and even though I couldn't follow such horrendous laws, (Y/n) didn't leave much of a choice when pleading guilty.  I attempted to not let it bother me, attempted to shrug it off as just another bad coincidence in my life, but it was getting harder to ignore it with every passing second, until Lurch came to my room and spoke, saying someone was here to see me "Whoever it is, tell them I'm busy," I shortly responded.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now