Chapter XI "The Wendigo and The Plan"

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Wen-(Y/n) POV:

I was simply walking around the base, in search of something to do when I came upon a large door that appeared to be shut tight "It's a room I keep all my research notes in," Master suddenly said while appearing behind me "It's all the information I kept about Wendigo's, along with my notes about HFP," he explained. He then opened the door and led me inside, and I was immediately astonished by the amount of books and notes that were scattered all over the place "I would usually only show this once my members have completely surrendered their mind, but I don't think I'll have that problem with you," he said while leading me around the room.

I started to look around at all the information he had about Wendigo's which all caught me off guard "There are so many things I didn't know about," I said to myself "Wendigo's population have slowly started to decrease due to us not finding mates and most of us not even realizing we were Wendigo," he explained before one thing caught my eye. I looked through it and it was ton's of notes piled together on how Wendigo's were created "How did you manage to achieve such notes," I asked as he then closed the door behind us "Not many know about me, so what I'm about to tell you is classified, not that it'll matter in the long run once your heart is mine," he said while chuckling.

He then took a seat and offered me one before explaining "I myself was one of the first ever Wendigo created in this world," he said which surprised me "My name is one that many have forgotten, including myself," he explained "Sorry to hear sir," I said, but he ignored me "I was created the same way as you... with the hunger and cold," he started.


I was around five when it all happened, my family was moving into america during the it's colonial period, which was around the same time as the Indian wars.  We didn't like violence, so my father proposed that we move up towards the north, away from the fighting.

Masters Father: If we move up north, we could settle down there and not have to worry about the war - He proposed.
Masters Mother: I'm not sure, if we do it could get severely cold, too cold of for the kids - She protested.
Másters Father: We don't have to stay their, we can simply wait until the war passes over - He explained.

They didn't agree with each others choices, but my mother eventually gave in and we made our way up north, but the farther we went, the colder it got, and the lower our rations became.

Masters Mother: We have to stop, our bull can't continue and it's starting to freeze up - She pointed out.
Masters Father: If we stop now then we'll never make it far enough - He said while trying to get the bull to move.
Masters Mother: The kids too are getting cold, if we don't stop- - she was cut off by the sound of something snapping and by the movement of the wagon suddenly falling.

It had turned out that due to the cold, the wood started to develop cracks, and because of said cracks, the wagon broke, and we had nothing to fix it with.

Past Master: What are we gonna do now? - I asked foolishly.

Our rations were already nearly gone, and we had no way of calling for help, we were stranded, and no one was coming to save us, so we tried to hike our way out, but it was useless since my child body was too weak to move in such cold.

Masters Father: We have to stay put, if worse go's to worst then we'll eat the bull, and when that happens... then we'll have to start looking for anything to eat - He said disappointed.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now