Chapter VII "Resistant and final trigger"

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(Y/n)? POV:

I only ate one body, but that body enhanced my senses to its max, I saw clearer then ever before, heard things I couldn't before, and smelt different scents from far away despite being in a cold environment, it was almost like my first time transforming, the first ever time I became a Wendigo. Every second that passed, my urge for flesh became stronger as I tried to refuse, but I couldn't stop thinking about the taste of the silk-like flesh, the flow and liquid taste of the blood, and the cold textured taste of the meat with every bite I took "You already ate one, what's stopping you from eating more?" the voice asked.

This would usually be the moment when the other would testify against such an act, but it was silent, almost as if it was never there, almost as if it was non-existent to begin with, I then got up and walked towards the body's again as I dragged one closer to me and felt slobber run from my mouth. Just before I took a bite, every member of the cult walked inside and closed the door as quietly as possible while using a sort of chain to hold it shut, in response I quickly backed away into a corner, but they didn't seem to be paying attention to me "We're not here to torture you," the leader said while staring at the door.

I became confused until the chains were fully secured and he turned towards me "People have entered our base and with a action like this, we usually use this as a safe room," he said while signaling the room we were currently in "How did they find this place?" I said as the leader glared at one of the members.  He then looked at me as I could tell he was trying his best to get get angered "One of these idiots forgot how to hide themselves while scouting, and thanks to your near escape, people know something's down here," he said as I fully stood up and started hearing foot steps from farther away.

The closer the foot steps got, the bigger the possibility of being found grew inside me, I started moving towards the door without even realizing it, until I was suddenly grabbed by one of the members that dragged me back and held me as I tried to break free, that was until I looked at him and saw that he was shivering.  I managed to get out of their grip, only to be grabbed again by the leader "Wendigo's like you and me have unlocked themselves by the cold rather than just starvation or greed," he said as I looked around and saw that everyone was shivering except for me and the leader.

"It takes a while, but after some time we grow immunity to the cold... your just not at that level yet," he said as I tried to break free from his grip, but he was much stronger then me and unlike the others, he wasn't being bothered by the cold "Struggle as much as you like, you won't be free, and you won't be found," he said, but I ignored him and continued struggling.  I heard as the footsteps were practically just behind the door and I tried to scream, but the leader was holding my mouth shut and no one was making the siltiest bit of noise to alarm whoever was outside the door.

Wednesday POV:

Me and other officers were searching through the halls of some underground base we found while going through the tunnels and as we looked around, we became confused about what we were seeing "They got an entire dinner table and chains on the floor," the Sheriff said as I looked at the chains and walked towards them.  I got down and tried to touch one but was immediately met with a sudden vision, I saw (Y/n) in chains while trying to struggle free and a man, wearing a mask, surrounded by about nine other people, all wearing the same mask as the first one.

I then suddenly snapped out of it while looking around and standing back up "What happened?" I heard the Sheriff ask "(Y/n) is in here, I saw him and his kidnappers," I responded while looking around the room "So (Y/n) is here?" the Sheriff asked as I nodded and I saw him lean into his radio requesting for backup.  I then tried to look more, until I came across a small hallway that seemed like it led somewhere important, I walked down the hall while shining my flashlight and with every step I took, it felt as if someone was watching me, and although I have gotten used to such a feeling when I was young, this one felt different.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now