Chapter IX "Frenzy's and Unravelings"

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Wen-(Y/n) POV:

We had been playing cat and mouse for awhile, every time I find them they always manage to escape it was getting to the point were I was starting to get annoyed "Come out come out where ever you are you little bastards!" I yelled while searching around the tunnels and trying to find their scents "Come out NOW!" I yelled in frustration.  I then smelt someone relatively close and slowly made my way to where they were hiding "I know your there," I said while peaking over and seeing a man with a sheriffs hat "There you are...," I said while smirking as he quickly pulled out his pistol and shot me in the head "Nice try," I said as the bullet fell out and I quickly healed the wound.

I was about to bite him, but I was stabbed in the back of my head as I slowly turned around to see a goth girl holding a knife that appeared to be made out of a deer antler "You little bitch," I said while slowly walking up to her "(Y/n), what did they do to you?" she asked, but I ignored her question "I'm gonna enjoy eating your flesh," I was about to slash her with my claw but was suddenly shot twice.  I turned to see two officers both aiming directly at me "Stand down and turn yourself in," one said as I snarled at them before quickly rushing at them, they tried to shoot but I managed to quickly slash one of them which caused them to collapse.

The other officer kept firing, but I simply grabbed their arm and caused them to drop their gun "Your quite brave to keep firing, and it's always the brave one's that taste the richest," I said before quickly biting into their head and tearing it off, I was then shot by the sheriff again as I roared at him before charging. Just before I slashing him however "Don't kill him, last thing I need is the swat raiding us," Master said, which made me quickly stop 'Understood Master,' I put my claw down and sniffed around before smelling even more people who were farther away, so I quickly started running in their direction.

Wednesday POV:

I saw as (Y/n) quickly ran away and I went to see the damage done to the other officers and saw one's head completely bitten off and the other one with a giant slash on their stomach while rapidly losing blood "We gotta get out of here before he comes back," I said while supporting the injured person as a loud scream was heard far away.

Wen-(Y/n) POV:

I slowly walked up to the last person who was surrounded by the dead body's of the other officers as he desperately tried to shoot at me, but was missing every shot cause of how much he was shaking "Fear is always a delicacy... and I've been craving it for awhile," I said before biting into them and tearing out his organs. I ate for while until I suddenly heard what sounded like doors opening "Their getting away, stop them," Master said as I quickly stopped feasting and ran towards the hatch while locating their scents and listening for their movement and after some time, I found them as they opened the hatch.

I charged at them just as they exited with my jaws nearly bitting the goth girl, I was about to exit myself until Master spoke "Let them run, your still inexperienced," he said as I stopped immediately 'Yes master,' I then closed the hatch and ran back to the main area where master was waiting "Once you return, the training shall commence," he said as I arrived and knelt in front of him "Understood master".

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now