Chapter II "A surprise and Watching eyes"

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(Y/n) POV:

I was sleeping soundly until I heard my door quietly open and close as small quite foot steps walked near, I opened my eyes but didn't face towards who it was, that was until the random person suddenly went under the sheets and laid next to me which confused me as the only people I knew were in this house was me, my mom, and dad.  I very carefully turned towards the person while pretending to be asleep as I slightly opened my eye to see someone I didn't expect to see "Wednesday?" I asked as she turned her head towards me while keeping her cold face "Greetings," she simply said as I sat up and looked at her even more confused.

"How did you get in my house?" I asked as she too sat up "You need better locks and windows," she said which made me realize what she had done "If you can open the front door, why did you open the windows too?" I asked as she responded even more coldly than usual "I like a challenge," which made me face palm and realize something else.  "How'd you find my house?" I asked as Thing suddenly hopped on my desk and started tapping as in Morse code "Of course he did," I said to myself as I fell back into my bed while holding my head "Do my parents know your here?" I asked as I looked towards her to see her shake her head and almost immediately my door swung open to reveal my dad.

"(Y/n), I saw the front door and windows open and-," he was left frozen at the sight of a black haired girl sitting in bed with me as I look towards Thing and saw he had hid himself as I look back towards my dad "Is there a problem?" I asked as my father finally snapped out of his trance "Did she stay over night or...?" he asked as I just shook my head.  "We need better locks," he said while closing the door and walking down the hall "Great first impression," I said sarcastically as Wednesday started to look around "Did you cause all this?" she asked as I looked around and saw she meant the claw marks "Yup, back when the man himself wouldn't leave me be," I said hinting towards the Wendigo.

She then stood up and walked around the room while taking in all the claw marks left by me until she pointed out one crucial detail "Most are aimed towards the door," she said which made me get up and walk towards her "Sometimes when I was lucky, my 'parents' would lock me in my room without food for a couple of days rather than the basement," I said with a serious tone.  This caused Wednesday to look at me with concern in her as I looked her in the eye's and realized what I just said "It was only 1 or 3 days long," I said trying to sound reassuring "What do you mean by 'Lucky'?" she asked as I coughed a little "Basement time led up to a month," I said while looking away.

Immediately I look towards Wednesday who now had a hint of anger in her eyes as she tried to reach and open the door as I instantly held her back as I knew she wasn't going to let them live "Nó te preocupes, todo eso ya paso," I said while still trying to hold her back "Calm down, even then I was just glad they didn't keep me there," I said as I felt her start to calm down.  "Even if I was a freak to them, they didn't keep me in bad conditions just because of what I was," I said as Wednesday had fully calmed down and looked towards me while I was still holding her "Even after everything, they at least cared when I needed them to," I finally said as she looked back towards the door.

"Today I realize, that if they didn't do the things they did, I might have ended up devouring everything and everyone," I stated "Ain't that some facts," the Wendigo said which made me smile and laugh slightly as Wednesday turned her full body towards me "If anyone try's to starve you again, I'll feed them to hell hounds as a new treat," she said which made me smile even more.  At that moment our lips connected which made my heart beat ten times faster and after a few seconds we parted "I'm curious, how did you survive a month," she asked as I coughed uncomfortably "I took the phrase 'Wonder how I'd taste' to literal," I said as Wednesday looked at me with a impressed face as I couldn't help but laugh a little.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now