Chapter XII "Beginning of the End and End of the Beginning"

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Wen-(Y/n) POV:

It was finally time, every thing we needed was packed and ready for movement, we had sneaked out of a separate exit that I had no idea existed and we walked through the pitch black forest while using our noses to pick up unfamiliar scents "Kid... I know you hear me... wake up," the voice continued to rant in my head, but I ignored it.  We were walking for practically hours before finally reaching a few train tracks "We wait here and catch the train as it passes," Master ordered as we all proceeded to keep watch while waiting "(Y/n)," Master suddenly called, gaining my attention "I don't know if its just me... but, you're acting... different," he pointed out.

I slowly turned back towards the forest and continued to keep watch while responding "I noticed it myself surprisingly... but I don't know why..." "That is a lie," he suddenly retorted "You've been thinking about your past too much, let it go... or i'll make you," he threatened which made me nod and resume my look out.

Wednesday POV:

We silently approached where the Wendigo's and (Y/n) we're waiting, keeping as quite as possible as we walked and hid around them, using mud too keep our scent hidden as we waited for the right time to strike "Why do we have to wait?" Sheriff Galpin asked "Wendigo's are incredibly strong, and if what I've been told about them is true, one wrong move and everyone dies," I simply responded.

Wen-(Y/n) POV:

We continued waiting around and looking for any signs of trouble, I thought I smelt a familiar scent but decided to ignore it "Damnit kid! Despierta!" the voice yelled, but I continued to ignore it as I knew what Master would do if I actually started listening to the voice "Do you hear that?" Master suddenly asked.  I started listening closer and heard what sounded like a car being driven at full speed "Yea... what do you think it is?" I asked, but master stayed silent as the sound started getting louder and closer "Get ready... we might have unwanted guests," Master said while growing his claws.

The rest of the members grew their claws as well and I shortly followed suit as the car was heard right up ahead with the head lights on and a loud roar as it came into view, looking more like a van rather then a car as it tried to ram Master, but he quickly jumped and went over it, causing the van to come to a halt.  I read the side of the van and realized it it was "S.W.A.T" "Great... just when I thought we avoided the violence," Master said with a small growl as the back of the van then opened and multiple people exited, all with rifles and armor, along with some having riot shields.

Others then walked out of the forest, the Sheriff and a the same girl with black pigtails and cold stare "Hands in the air!" the Sheriff yelled while remaining a safe distance away "Unfortunately Sheriff, we cannot stay, but thanks for the offer," Master said while snapping his fingers before quickly jumping into the trees and the members started to full transform.  I quickly transformed as well and the S.W.A.T team started to open fire, round after round, yet neither of us flinched nor backed away, we simply stood our ground and watched as the team's expression turned from one of bravery to fear.

Wednesday POV:

I saw as the team only continuously fired and the Wendigo's not even bat an eye "Create an opening then we could start (Y/n)'s reversion!" I yelled through the gun fire in which the Sheriff simply nodded before the gunfire suddenly came to a stop and I looked back to see the Wendigo's still standing. The team started to reload, but just before they could load their next magazine, the Wendigo's let out a loud roar before rushing the team almost instantly and tearing them apart, leaving nothing but blood splatter and the empty screams of the people being eaten.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now