Chapter VI "Searching and breaking"

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Wednesday POV:

About a week has passed and any and all signs of (Y/n) are completely nonexistent 'Whoever took him clearly knows how to cover their tracks,' I kept searching, but still came up empty as the Sheriff came up to me "We searched the entire forest, he's no where near here," he said "He is here... just keep searching," I said as he just sighed in disappointment and left.  I was looking until something caught my eye, I went towards it and saw that it was a large footprint, I tried to touch it, but ended up getting a vision, it was a man carrying (Y/n) while hopping from tree to tree, until eventually disappearing into the woods.

I suddenly woke up and looked around and tried to locate the trees that the person used to jump from, but while searching I caught the glimpse of a person watching, I only blinked and he suddenly vanished, I tried to look around again, but he was long gone, I then tried searching deeper into the woods, but had to return as it was starting to get even darker.

(Y/n) POV:

It's only been... I think a week, but the leader has made it a regular thing with his "training" everyday he comes in, sticks me with nightshade, that starts slashing me repeatedly, before leaving and enhancing the intensity of the cold, doesn't help that he permanently leaves the muzzle on "You brought this on yourself," the voice said "That's a lie, he didn't do anything," the other said defending me. I tried to move around, but couldn't move more than an inch before falling "Maybe you should eat," the voice said as the sudden scent of human flesh and blood intensified "Don't, I'll only make it worse," the other said in protest as I started to slobber.

I was trying to control myself, but my body started moving towards the dead body's they had left me and I started picking one up, I was trying to hold myself, but the smell was too strong, but just before I bit into it, I felt the cold disappear and saw as the door was left opened "Don't you dare," the voice said as I started to stand up.  I walked towards the door and saw that it really was opened and I stuck my head out and looked around as I saw that no one was around me "Go kid, RUN!" the voice said as I slowly got out and closed the door behind me as I started to slowly make my way towards any exit I could find.

I got to a hall way which led to a big dining room and I instantly recognized it as the dining room they dragged me out of, I started looking around for any other door but heard foot steps approaching, I quickly got under the table as that was all there was and held my breath as I heard two people walk inside.  "Have you scouted the outer forest?" I heard the leaders voice ask "Yes sir, there was only the group of kids and officers that come searching, but haven't gotten remotely close towards finding us," the voice said nervously as I heard the footsteps suddenly stop followed by the sound of the leaders voice suddenly sounding even more familiar.

"Are you lying?" He asked as I could tell that the member was shaking in fear "No sir... there are no signs of-," just before he could finish his sentence, he suddenly fell to the floor from pain of being shocked "Then explain why everyday you are spotted by that girl and end up having her get closer and closer towards our base," the leader said in a angered voice.  A long paused had started but was quickly ended by the member responding "I'm sorry sir... buts that's the only thing I failed, (Y/n) is still in his-," he was then cut off by the leader suddenly flipping the table which revealed me to both of them.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now