Chapter VIII "Initiation and Wendigo's"

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(Y/n)? POV:

I was waking up and managed to open my eyes, only to find that I was no longer inside the cooler, but rather was at a table that had the other members sitting down "Glad to see your finally awake," I heard the leader say as I quickly stood up and found that I didn't have chains on "What the hell is going on?" I asked while looking around.  I then saw as the leader motioned me to sit down, but I ignored it "You have finally been broken, and since such has happened, we shall celebrate," he said as two other members walked inside with serving carts that had players on them with their lids.

"I'm not 'broken', just confused," I said "You are, you killed that child you tried so desperately to protect and left nothing for leftovers," he said while chuckling as my mind suddenly ached "W-What child?" I asked as he sighed and the members started putting down plates and champagne glasses.  "That's a side affect of our torture methods, when you finally become a full Wendigo, you start to loss memories, memory's of loved ones, memories of your past, and memories as your first kill in full Wendigo," he explained as my head started to ache more and felt my teeth start to sharpen and my eyes starting to hurt.

I tried to back away, but I only ended up sitting back down to help suppress the pain "I suggest you eat, new Wendigo's can start to experience withdrawals if not given enough food the first day," he said as the lids were suddenly removed from the plates and I saw an arm and what appeared to be two kidneys sitting on it.  I suddenly started to slobber and heard my stomach rumble in hunger as I tried to resist, but my smell was starting to pick up the scent "Eat," the voice said as my body started moving on its own and I felt as my hands grabbed the arm and felt myself bit into it.

I then started devouring the entire arm until it was nothing but bone, then moved onto the kidneys and devoured them both in a single bit "For one who deny's their heritage, you do like to participate it their actions," he said as I suddenly snapped back into my senses "W-What did you do to me?" I asked as he stood up "I opened your eyes," he said while walking towards me.  I then stood up to defend myself and saw as two other members stood up as well, but were waved down by the leader "I opened your eyes so you could see who you actually are, and helped you forget who they forced you to be," he said while walking closer.

"Some talk for a man who's literally doing the same, pinche hipócrita," I said with the last part as a whisper "¿Tu crees que no puedo oír eso?" he asked which made me take a step back "It's one of the many perks as a Wendigo," he explained while taking another step "And you'll learn some of them, once your one of us," he said while suddenly pulling out a syringe and stabbing it in my neck.  I tried to fight back but every punch and kick I threw at him seemed to bounce off him, he didn't flinch no matter what I did and I was starting to lose strength "Take him to the hole, we'll see what he's capable of," he said while walking away and I felt two people grab me and drag me away.

Wednesday POV:

The weeks had continued, but the same can't be said for our leads on (Y/n)'s disappearance and I've started to lose support from the Sheriff and the others "If we don't find him, we may have to drop the case," the Sheriff said while walking towards me "We've already got a heavy lead, all we need is more investigations," I said while looking at a pin board of all our current clues.  "We only have enough recourses to last us another 3 searches," the Sheriff said as I turned to face him "We try another search tonight, when it's pure dark," I said while walking away as the Sheriff followed behind.

(Y/n) POV:

I started to wake up and found myself in what appeared to be a pit with railings at the top "I can see that you already have Wendigo eyes," I heard the leader say as I looked up and saw him standing with the other members surrounding the hole "This is your first test as a Wendigo, survive and you'll become one of us," he said as lights suddenly turned on and I was able to look around a lot clearer. "Fail... and you will end up like the others," he said as one of the members was suddenly dragged forward "Master please, I swear, I won't fail again-," he was was then cut off by and electrical shock which also made him roar in pain.

The Killers Mirror "Break time"//Wednesday x Male 'Wendigo' ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now